“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Educational-methodic activity

The teaching staff of the Department of “ODD” conducts the following work on educational and methodological documentation in the state, Russian and English languages for bachelor’s degrees:

  • development and processing of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines;
  • development and processing of electronic educational and methodological complexes of disciplines;
  • development and processing of methodological guidelines for the implementation of laboratory, practical work and for independent work of students;
  • development and processing of work programs;
  • development and processing of syllabuses;
  • development of textbooks, monographs and textbooks with the ISBN index and © ;
  • development of electronic methodological materials and virtual laboratory work;
  • development and processing of test materials and materials for knowledge control;
  • development and processing of lecture notes.

The teaching and methodological documentation is developed by the teaching staff of the department, discussed at the meetings of the department, coordinated by the dean of the faculty, the Director of Academic Policy and approved by the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs.

The department is not a graduate and trains students of all specialties and forms of education in the following language disciplines:

  • Kazakh language
  • Professional Kazakh language
  • Russian language
  • Professional Russian language
  • Foreign language
  • Professionally-oriented foreign language

The training of undergraduates in the discipline of Foreign language is also carried out.

Russian Russian, Foreign language, Professional Kazakh language, Professional Russian language, Professional Oriented Foreign language, there are methodological guidelines for the implementation of control works in the disciplines of “Kazakh language”, “Russian language”, “Foreign language”, “Professional Kazakh language”, “Professional Russian language”, “Professional oriented foreign language”. The tasks of control works are updated annually.

The implementation of individual plans is monitored by the head of the department, the educational and methodological department and the dean of the faculty 2 times a year.

The organization of students’ knowledge control is being improved. Tests for all disciplines have been redesigned with the introduction of tasks of different levels of complexity and uploaded to the AIS “Platonus”, as well as paper versions of test tasks have been prepared.

The organization of the educational process is carried out in accordance with the plan of the educational process, with standards for specialties and educational work plans.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, 8 teaching aids with the © stamp, 3 teaching aids with the ISBN index, 2 electronic teaching aids, 1 UMKD in the state language, 1 UMKD in English were developed.

In order to implement trilingualism, the following types of work were organized and carried out by the teachers of the department: on

December 7, 2018, teachers together with students of 2-3 courses took part in the flash mob action “Karaoke in Latin”, (EE-16k, TOMD-17k)

In October 2018. A training seminar was held for students of KGIU on the topic “Rules of the Latin alphabet and spelling” (1-3 courses of the Kazakh department)

On 16.05.2019, the Department of Geography organized a training seminar for teachers of schools in Temirtau on the topic “The transition of the Kazakh language to Latin graphics: spelling problems”, with the participation of Professor, Doctor of Philology of L.N. Gumilyov ENU, scientific adviser of the Academy named after A.Baytursynov Zhakypov Zhantas Altauly and doctoral student of L.N. Gumilyov Amandykov Olzhas Altauly.

In November 2020, within the framework of the scientific and methodological week of the Faculty of Economics and Construction, the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages, together with the branch of JSC Center for Advanced Training “ORLEU” of the Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers in the Karaganda region, held a training seminar on “Effective methods and techniques of distance learning”, where theoretical and practical recommendations were given on effective methods and techniques for organizing educational activities in the conditions of digital learning technologies.. The senior lecturer of the department Kapasheva Zh.K. was responsible for the event.

This event was organized in order to increase the competence of the teacher in the conditions of distance learning and was very important and valuable from a methodological point of view.



“Teaching aids”


“Electronic textbooks”

“Educational and methodological complexes” in all disciplines taught.