“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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About the Department


The Department of General Education Disciplines was formed by the merger in 2021 of two departments of Natural Science Disciplines and Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages.
The historical path of the Department of “Natural Science Disciplines” begins in 2012 with the creation of the Department of “Information Technology and Natural Science Disciplines”, which in 2017 was renamed the Department of “Natural Science Disciplines”.
Currently, the department provides fundamental physics, mathematics and language training for students of all specialties of the university.
Training sessions for students are conducted by highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in scientific and methodological work: Ph.D., Makhmutov B., Ph.D., associate professor Kukalo L.I., Ph.D., associate Professor Tanaguzov B.T., senior teachers: Karipbaeva A.R., Kholodova G.M., Shayakhmetova G.A. Zhandildina S.A., Abdrakhmanova A.E., Zhunusova A.K., Sharipova Yu.F., Kapasheva Zh.K., teachers Druzhinina N.V., Mukatai A.B., Nurgalieva A.A., Salpenova M.M., Khamitov S.B., Akhmetgalina N.S.
All teachers periodically take advanced training courses at leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are constantly working to improve their pedagogical skills. The department maintains scientific relations with universities of TSU (Tomsk, Russia), the University of Massachusetts Boston (USA), etc.

The department has 4 educational laboratories, 2 specialized classrooms, 3 computer classes, 10 classrooms and has the largest number of hours of laboratory practice at the university.
The department has a research laboratory for the study of the physical properties of YBaCuO superconducting thin films under the state program of fundamental research “Solid State Physics, Condensed Matter, New Materials and Devices”.
Academic work in physics, mathematics and mechanics courses includes lectures, practical, SRSP and laboratory classes with the use of modern devices.
The methodical work at the department is aimed at improving the teaching of all the disciplines read on the basis of the use of modern teaching methods, the use of computer technology, the implementation of the professional orientation of the educational material.
Teachers of the department are actively working on the introduction of new technologies and learning systems using test control of students’ knowledge, structuring interdisciplinary connections, researching the role of an integral system of methods in the formation of effective strategies of pedagogical activity.
The department has created all the prerequisites for the introduction and use of new innovative learning technologies in the educational process.

The history of the department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” begins in 1961, until this year it was rebuilt several times. In 1963, when the VTUZ plant began its work, the Department of “Foreign Languages” was opened. WWII veteran I.I. Dyadyukov was appointed head of the department. From 1969 to 1976, the department was headed by: I.I.Zalessky, T.N. Mukanova, O.N.Stanovich, M.S. Sadykov. The department taught English, French, German and Russian.
When the Republic of Kazakhstan gained independence, and the Kazakh language received the status of the state language, Kazakh language began to be taught in universities. Due to this, the department was named as the department of “Kazakh and Russian language” (head of the department of M. Zh. Aitbayev) and the department of “Foreign Languages” (head of the department of L.S. Cheremnykh), thus, it was divided into two departments.
At the end of the 90th year, due to the decrease in the number of students, the two departments merged, and the department became known as “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages”. In 1997-2001, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Z.E.Baibusanova worked as the head of the department. In 2001-2011, the duties of the head of the department were performed by senior lecturer M.K.Baimbetova.
Due to a sharp decrease in the number of applicants entering higher education institutions, in the 2011-2012 academic year, the department, having merged with the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Humanities, was named the Department of General Education Disciplines, its head was appointed Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor O.N. Gumenchuk. Subsequently, this department was named “History of Kazakhstan and general education disciplines”. From the 2014-2015 academic year until September 2017, the duties of the head of the department were performed by the Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer S.B. Khamitov.

According to the social project “Mingilik el Zhastary industriga”, at the expense of students from the southern regions of the country who entered the state program “Serpin-2050”, and as the demographic situation improved, due to the increase in the number of teachers, the Department of “History of Kazakhstan and General Education disciplines” was withdrawn from the department, by order of the rector, the department of “Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages” began to work independently from June 2017. The head of the department was appointed Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor N.
In the half-century history of the department, along with the above-mentioned heads of departments, experienced teachers worked: Ilyich N.V. Musina and S.A. Prikhodko V.N., Amanzholova G.K. G. Sadykova.T. Karasik A.L. Romanova T.I. G. Poplavsky.A. Esaulenko A.K. Zhunusova A.K., Shakirzhan S.N., Asanova N.A., Spacious City.A., Kan N.B. Omarova G.B., Abdikarim N.A., Abraham D.Zh., Salpenova M.M. Myrzakhanova A.T.

The introduction of new technologies in the field of education is of great importance for the implementation of the trilingualism language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Department purchased the Reward English language training kit, created in England and released by MacMillan Publishing house, which includes a book for teachers, a video practical book, a package of handouts.
The acquired course provides training in all types of speech activity: speaking, writing, listening, grammar, vocabulary. Working with audio and video materials increases students’ speech skills in accordance with orthoepic norms.
Electronic textbooks developed at a high level for the study of the Kazakh language regulate students’ acquired knowledge at school and college, help to improve language skills and increase the effectiveness of language learning. In recent years, innovative electronic textbooks have been prepared for all disciplines taught at the department, which can be used in specially equipped computer classes, which gives a positive solution to problems in the use of advanced technologies in the process of teaching language disciplines.
Teachers of the department constantly improve their qualifications in research and methodological work, publish the results of their work in scientific journals near and far abroad, take part in international scientific, theoretical and methodological conferences. Teachers organize interdepartmental and city seminars, actively participate in international online seminars.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, five teachers (Abdikarim N.A., Ybray D.Zh., Kan N.B., Asanova K.A., Khamitova Sh.A.) participated in a 72-hour International Scientific and Methodological online seminar organized by the Department of “Kazakh Linguistics” named after L.N. Gumilev, on the topic “The sphere of the native language: research issues, training” and were awarded certificates.
In 2020, teachers of the department Mendybayeva D.H., Nurgalieva A.A., Khamitov S.B., Abdrakhmanova A.E., Zhandildina S.A. successfully completed online training under the educational program of advanced training of teachers in general education disciplines within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 80 hours, organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for Education Development of the Karaganda region. In the same year, teachers of the department successfully completed online refresher courses of the NAO “TALAP” on the topic “Development and improvement of IT competencies of teachers”.

At the university, teachers of the department, in order to integrate effective education and upbringing, prepare students to participate in regional and city events. A student of the EE-15k group Esmikhanova Aydin (supervisors: associate professor N.A. Abdikarim, teacher D.Zh. Ybray), taking part in the regional competition “Tildaryn” among young people who speak three languages, took the first prize. To the 80th anniversary of the poet Aibergenov Tolegen with the support of the city information newspaper “kUrysh kala kz”, with the participation of the daughters of Akyn and city akyns, teachers of the department (associate professor N.A. Abdikarim, senior lecturer Zh.K. Kapasheva) organized and conducted a literary and musical evening “sAgynyshtardyn keruenindegi saz kandai!” at a high level. A memorandum was signed with the Historical and Cultural Center of the First President of our city. Near the center there is an educational and cultural club “Parasat” for students. Since the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year, the club “Speaking club kz” has started its work, bringing together students who want to master three languages. Since 2018, the department has signed a cooperation agreement with the Temirtau Language Development Center KSU, on the basis of this agreement, university teaching staff have the opportunity to study courses in Kazakh and English on a free basis. Upon completion of the training, certificates are issued. The teachers of the department work closely with the departments of L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, E.A. Buketov KarSU, KarSTU, Karaganda bOlashak University, etc.