“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Great son of the Kazakh people

In the play “Kaz dauysty Kazybek bi”, dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the Kazakh thinker, 142 students of technical specialties who studied at the Karaganda State Industrial University    of the State Social Project “Mangilik el zhastary – industriyaga!»- « Serpin».

Statement of the Karaganda regional Kazakh Drama Theater. S. Seifullina took place on the stage of the Temirtau  Theater of the young spectator. The organizer of the trip was the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy, Transport and Control Systems Zh. K. Kapasheva.

“Such productions, in which the historical line is clearly traced, as well as the values ​​of the Kazakh people, are aimed at modernizing public consciousness,” says Zhanya Kudaibergenovna. – The performance about the activities and works of the great son of the Kazakh people, its importance in the history of the state and law did not leave our students indifferent. They discovered many new historical facts about the oratorical art of the thinker and his personality as a whole.

 Press-service of KSIU


Increasing the level of IT-competencies

More than 50 students of the groups “Computer Science and Software”, “Automation and Management” and “Power Engineering”, including 18 people studying in the state language under the “Serpіn” program, recently successfully completed the basic initial course of the IT Essentials of the Cisco Academy and received certificates.

The regional center of the Cisco Networking Academy was opened on the basis of KSIU  in early September of 2017. This important step gave access to educational resources, which are constantly updated and replenished. The status of the instructors of the Academy are senior lecturers of the department “EA and CE” S. Kan, A. Chvanova and D. Tokseit.

During the fall semester of the 2017-2018 academic year, students of the CEP and S, A and M and EE groups started studying the basic initial course IT Essentials. The course includes 14 chapters of theoretical and practical material on general issues of modern information technologies. Each chapter contains an examination to verify the mastery of the material.

“The study of the course allows you to gain skills in installing computer components, operating systems and setting up a computer to exchange data over the network,” explained the senior teacher of the department “EA and CE” Anastasia Chvanova. – Studying the course is a tool to improve the level of IT-competencies of students regardless of the specialty.

In the future, it is planned that this course will be gradually passed by students of all specialties of KSIU.

Press-service of KSIU

From Bachelor to Doctor

A graduate of the magistracy of the KSIU  of the specialty “Chemical technology of organic substances” Galina Arbuz three years ago was sent to the PhD doctoral studies of the Kazakh National University named by  Al-Farabi (Almaty). Recently she defended her thesis on the specialty “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”.

In 2012 Galina Arbuz graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the KarSU named by Buketov with the assignment of a bachelor’s degree in the specialty “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”, after which she entered the magistracy of the Karaganda State Industrial University. In 2014 she graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation with the assignment of a Master’s degree in the specialty “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”.

From September 2014 to September 2017, Arbuz G. was trained in PhD-doctoral studies of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Kazakh National University named by  Al-Farabi (Almaty) on the specialty “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”. The doctoral dissertation was devoted to the development of modified electrodes with a synergistic effect based on new carriers and polyvalent metals.

Galina Arbuz’s research is aimed at obtaining in the future new more effective composite materials, their use for electrocatalytic processes of synthesis of compounds, both organic and inorganic, and the production of electrochemical sensors. The latter direction is especially important in the world scientific community, since the synthesis of effective sensory systems based on nanomaterials containing polyvalent metals and their oxides, through their stabilization on sorption materials from plant raw materials, opens up great economic prospects. Sources of similar sorption materials are plant waste, the complex use of which, given the trend of creating wasteless technologies, is important.

In this work, rice husks were selected as raw materials for the preparation of the electrode composite material and its further modification, which is promising, having low cost, renewable plant raw materials of Kazakhstan with good sorption properties.

The scientific consultants of the thesis were doctor chemical science professor Kamysbaev Duysek Haysagalievich (KazNU named by al-Farabi) and professor Fritz Scholz (University of Greifswald, Germany).

During the training Galina Arbuz passed two foreign scientific internships with the implementation of a joint research program at the University of Greifswald, one of the oldest universities in Germany. Prior to the defense, she worked at the Center for Physical and Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis, where she took part in various research projects within the framework of state grant financing.

Press-service of KSIU

Work in the choice of the future profession

Representatives of the Karaganda State Industrial University continue to hold meetings with groups of educational organizations to explain the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as graduates of the 9th and 11th grades of the regional schools in choosing future professions.

Dean of the faculty of metallurgy and machine building D.K. Musin and deputy director of the technical and economic college at the KSIU T.K. Akishev visited Shakhtinsk on February 23, where they met with workers and students of the technological college. D. K. Musin described in detail the main directions of the President’s message , paying special attention to the development of human capital.

Meetings were also held with the graduates of schools in Shakhtinsk, where D.K. Musin and T.K. Akishev talked about all the specialties of the university and college at KSIU, about their peculiarities and relevance, and about employment after graduation.

Press-service of KSIU

To take into account the peculiarities of this or that culture is very important for the educational process

The use of modern methods and methods of teaching in the conditions of multilingual education was discussed at a seminar that took place on February 23 at the KSIU on the initiative of the Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages ​​Department.

Polytype is the basis for the formation of a multicultural personality. The goal of multicultural and multilingual education is the formation of a person capable of active life in a multinational and multicultural environment, with a developed sense of understanding and respect for other cultures, the ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, races and faiths. The development of the multilingual consciousness of the individual is an algorithm for the development of speech, mental, oral and written communication.

On the language competence and the significance of its development in the conditions of multilingual education, as well as on modern methods and technology of teaching, she spoke in the state language, Ph.D., associate professor, and. about. head of the department “KRand FL” Nurziya Abdikarim.

– In conditions of multilingual education, when submitting a complex topic or, for example, when holding an open lesson, it is worth considering the possibility of cooperation between two teachers. Teaching in pairs has undeniable advantages, – says Nurziya Abdikarimovna. – Two teachers know more than one, and can complement each other. Teaching in pairs often makes learning more lively and diverse. Two teachers can jointly discuss the next action plan and possible changes right during the session.

The invited trainer was Professor Bayan Ibraeva, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication at the PA Academy  «Boloshak”. She spoke English about intercultural competence and the introduction of its elements in the teaching process.

“Now it is very popular to use elements of intercultural communication in each class, regardless of the subject,” says Bayan Mukushevna. – My goal is to show colleagues how to use it and how the representatives of different nationalities differ from each other. We live in a multicultural society. Consider the characteristics of a culture – this is very important for the learning process.

In an interview with our site, the guest admitted that she had long dreamed of visiting the university where the first President of the country studied. Therefore, at the invitation of the department “KR and FL» immediately agreed.

– In addition, one of the graduates of our academy “Bolashak”, Gulmira Omarova, works at this department. It was this initiative that I, of course, supported, because we, the teachers of foreign languages, should now communicate, continues Bayan Mukushevna. Science, education, teaching methods are moving fast now, and your university is ahead of the whole planet. Firstly, KSIU is one of the leading universities; Secondly, you have a very large poly-lingual department. You have something to tell us, and we – what to share with you.

Bayan Ibraeva noted that the speech of Nurzia Abdikarim about the new forms of lectures was very interesting and relevant. This topic can be safely taken as the basis for further cooperation, which will lead to mutual enrichment of experience, the growth of teachers ‘professionalism and an increase in students’ interest in classes.

“I am very pleased with my stay in the walls of your university and with what I saw and heard today,” concludes the professor. – Colleagues are literate, well-read, well-prepared, very responsive and actively involved. Many thanks for the atmosphere that was created, and for a very interesting audience.

Press-service of KSIU