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Students of KSIU became participants in an online broadcast of the IV Congress of the youth wing “Zhas Otan”

In Astana on March 28-29 under the motto “We are changing the world” the next congress of the youth wing “Zhas Otan” was held with the party “Nur Otan”. More than 1500 delegates from all regions of the country took part in it. On March 29, students of KGIU watched an online broadcast of the work of the congress.

 The first day of the congress was organized in the format of the conference “Jas Otan conf”, during which the participants examined the most pressing issues related to science, education, innovation, entrepreneurship development, digitization, and the implementation of the program article of the Head of State “Ruhani zhangyru”. After the conference, the Jasotanovs split into several teams, each of whom received case studies describing real situations on such topical issues as Rukhani zhangyru, Digital Kazakhstan, Kazakstan Zhasal’an, Education. The science. Innovations “,” Healthy Nation “. Participants examined the situation, understood the nature of the problems and suggested possible solutions. In the course of the first day of the Congress, a final document was developed, which reflects all the proposals voiced at the sessions.

The culmination was the Gala-forum “We are changing the world”, which took place on the second day. The head of state, the chairman of the party “Nur Otan” Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed the members of the jail. The address of the President was read by the State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan G. Abdykalikova.

“Zhas Otan” is a movement that unites thousands of active young educated patriots who support all my initiatives, strategic plans and are the backbone of my policy. Since the first days of independence, youth issues have been the main focus and dozens of programs have been implemented in this area. I firmly believe that young people are aware of the results of this work and feel our care, – noted in the appeal to the youth.

The head of state urged young Kazakhstanis to play sports, learn foreign languages, and learn about the heritage of Russian and world literature.

Modern, successful, young Kazakhstanis who achieved significant successes and contributed to the development of society, history, science and culture shared with the participants of the congress the recipes for their success. The congress was attended by a blast furnace gas smelter at the metallurgical plant in Temirtau, an endoscopist from Kostanay, a young businessman, a graduate of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School, pilots of the Air Astana company, as well as participants in the project “100 New Persons of Kazakhstan” and many others.

The first deputy chairman of the Nur Otan party M. Ashimbayev also addressed the delegates of the congress, who emphasized that the Head of State pays great attention to the young generation and throughout the years of Independence has been focusing on the youth as the most important strategic and personnel resource of the country.

– In the coming period, Zhas Otan should increase the efficiency of its activities. Our projects should be thought out, understandable, and should bring a concrete result. “Zhas Otan” is the territory of creativity and creativity. If there are problems in the country, if young people are experiencing difficulties, then “Zhas Otanu” should first speak about them. I think that this congress can be regarded as the beginning of a new stage in the development of Zhas Otan. Stage of creative, creative, productive and, most importantly, useful for the country, – M. Ashimbayev noted.

For the first time in Kazakhstan, the Congress “Zhas Otan” was broadcast in the format VR (virtual reality), which fully corresponds to the spirit of the announced Third modernization. It is noteworthy that any Internet user in the world could join and watch the youth forum in the capital of Kazakhstan in real time.

Press-service of KSIU

Nauryz – a holiday of peace and good

A bright and cheerful celebration of Nauryz is a good tradition of leadership, teachers and students of KSIU. This year on March 22, in the yurt established by the university representatives on the square in front of the Metallurg stadium, the original creativity of the ethnics living in Temirtau was presented.

In the Karaganda State Industrial University, the project office of Ruhani Jahyru is working, and the theme of the yurta established on the holiday was appropriate and aimed at promoting the traditions and customs of the ethnocultural associations of Temirtau. At the entrance guests welcomed representatives of ethnocultural centers in national costumes and professors of KSIU.

On this day in the yurt a large fair-exhibition of objects of applied art unfolded, on which products of felt and leather, handmade soaps, souvenirs from felt and salted dough, as well as beautiful quilted corsets, saukele and wedding dresses made by skilled craftsmen . In addition, ethno-cultural associations of the city presented their traditions and customs, treated the townspeople with their national dishes. And, of course, the performance of the kyus on the dombra and the rite of the shashu could not be avoided.

The guests passed master classes on knitting knots for luck – one of the ancient Turkic customs. Among those who mastered this skill was the head of the city of Temirtau, Ashimov G. A. In addition, the townspeople received a master class on dry felting from felt.

Press-service of KSIU

Dear graduates!

Dear graduates!

Karaganda State Industrial University

invites you to participate

in the “Graduate Fair-2018”, which will be held on April 20, 2018 at 10.00, the new building KSIU, assembly hall.

Уважаемые преподаватели, сотрудники и студенты!

[Section or its translation in the development phase. Try the other language versions: Русский, Қазақша]


A student of the technical and economic college at KSIU, Bazarbekova Venera took  the1st place in the regional competition “Korkem Aruy-2018”, a student of the group CTOS-17 Atakulova Zemfira became the owner of a special prize and a participant’s diploma.

On March 14, 12 finalists competed for the crown of the Palace of Culture of the Miners for the crown of the most beautiful girl of the Karaganda region, our university in this competition was represented by two girls: Bazarbekova Venera- a student of the technical and economic college at KSIU and Atakulova Zemfira, CTOS-17 student. On March 5, these girls won the university competition “Miss KSIU”.

The competition  consisted of 4 stages: business card, defile in  the evening dresses, creative competition “Minute talent” and homework “Astanaga Tartu”, at this stage the contestants were made by different techniques work.

Bazarbekova Venera presented to the jury an unusual gift: an owl performed by herself on a 3D printer in the laboratory of our university’s 3D engineering. The entire manufacturing process was filmed on camera, which precluded the possibility of any forgery. Why an owl? As Venera answered, it was the owl  because that an owl is the symbol of wisdom and knowledge, and she decided to give the owl from the many thousands of students of the Alma Mater of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The audience and the jury were surprised that Venera masterfully owns the technique of printing on a 3D printer and her gift caused applause. In addition, to the jury, she presented her creative number – a masterly performed dance. A truly talented person is talented in everything, therefore the 1st place in the contest was expected.

The second representative of our university Atakulova Zemfira surprised and captivated spectators and fans with an unusual creative number, demonstrating the wonders of yoga and unusual plastics. Her dance with a living snake, a strong press of her belly, which withstood a sharp knife, and lying on the broken glass also caused a flurry of applause. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Astana, she presented a picture with the views of our capital, made in the folk style – applique from felt, also made by own hands. Zemfira explained that our great-grandmothers owned this art in the distant past, this amazing style of folk art was undeservedly forgotten.

Performances of our students were bright and creative. The girls are warmly thankful to everyone who helped them in the preparation for the contest: groupmates, friends, parents, special expressions of gratitude they express to the trade union of students of  KSIU, which provided the necessary sponsorship.

A group of fans made their contribution in support of our beauties, in the role of which the students of the 1st course of the TMPP-17K-4 group led by the deputy dean of the faculty of  ETSC Zhanabergenova Dinara Kenesovna.

Press-service of KSIU