“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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4 October 2018, on the platform of the project office “Rouhani Jangyru” KSIU, the Department of educational work and youth policy of the University together with the state institution “Department of internal policy of Temirtau”, KGU “Youth resource center” and the Greek IVF center “Pontos” held a round table dedicated to topical issues of Patriotic education for the active students students of 2-4 courses of the University.

An active part in the round table took Zhunusova Dinara Nurtaevna – head of PI “Department of internal policy of Temirtau”, Shombina Alma Balapanova – Deputy Director on educational work of the College “TTC”, Anisova Rosa Nurahmetovna – Deputy Director on educational work of the College “TVPC”, Khegay Alyena YUr’evna Director of “Youth resource center”, Casapidi Despina Ivanovna – the head of the Greek ECO “Pontos”, which is also concurrently Deputy Chairman of the regional Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and active students – representatives of different ethnic groups.

Within the framework of the event, the issues of Patriotic education of youth and the main mechanisms for the implementation of the state youth policy were discussed.

Welcoming remarks to the audience were made by Zhunusova Dinara Nurtaevna and Salpenova Madina Maratovna, presenting the participants of the round table the program of the event and showing a video about our multi-faceted city, its history, about the activities of the various associations and their place in modern society.

Dinara Nurtayevna, in her turn, noted that at present the activity of communities certainly plays a positive role as the independent mediator between the authorities and various youth associations, and moreover, in some cases, activists show themselves as the most effective tool to support the development of a multicultural youth community.

Of particular interest was the speech of the head of the Greek center “Pontos” Despina Ivanovna, who noted the importance of preserving ethno-cultural traditions and work on the development of national cultures. She told all participants of the round table about the culture and traditions of her people, that she and her husband Basil – the descendants of the Pontic Greeks, who were expelled from the Krasnodar region as representatives of the “unreliable nation.” She shared her impressions of our city and its ethnic side, the experience of the creation and development of the center “Pontas”, and spoke about all the difficulties of the development of the center, which had to go through.

Summarizing the event, Sultanova Madina Maratovna stressed the importance of holding such meetings, which promote

dissemination of knowledge about the history and culture of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan, preservation and development of its ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as harmonization of national and inter-ethnic relations. The proposals made during the round table will be summarized and sent to the working group of GU “OVP Temirtau” and KSU “MRC”.

The result of the round table was the adoption of a resolution of the action taken, taking into account all the recommendations given by all participants.

The press service of KSIU

05.10.2018, 17:08:35, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News, Абитуриенты, Лекции


 Well-known statesman of RK President’s colleague, Doctor of Political Sciences Tuleutayev Suleimenov visited Karaganda State Industrial University (KGIU). As part of the commemorative events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, he spoke to the teachers and students with a lecture on “25 Years of Independence: Kazakhstan’s way of development – the foundation of stability and prosperity”. 

 Tuleutayev Suleimenov – the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, the diplomat, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a number of countries. He was at the forefront of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan alongside NA Nazarbayev. In the distant 90s most complicated for our country was to establish international relations with the world powers. With diplomatic experience, Suleimenov worked actively and fruitfully in this direction. The difficulties of formation of the young state independence of the way of its development, the role of independence in the history of Kazakhstan, that independence – is the most important gift, T. Suleimenov told students and teachers KGIU. He urged the youth to take an active part in social and political life, to be around the leaders, great attention to study, develop comprehensively. 

 The lecture was attended by Kabidolla Sarekenov – corresponding member of National Engineering Academy of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Toktarhan Iskakov – classmate Head of State of the factory-technical colleges at Karmetkombinat (both formerly was called KGIU) and Honorary metallurgist, Viktor Nikonov – classmate Head of State on KarPTI veteran metallurgical plant, Kuanysh Omashev – holder of the Order “Kurmet” and “Parasat”, Freeman Temirtau. 

Изображение 590 Изображение 070

 – Lecture, held with the participation of T. Suleimenov and other associates of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is of great importance in the education of students and the formation of patriotic consciousness of young people, – said Rector Marat KGIU Ibatov. 

 Guests led by T. Suleimenov met with leading university laboratories. 

 On the same day T. Suleimenov took part in the opening ceremony of the audience, which was named honorary professor KGIU Shayhidena Zhukusheva. The plaque, flowers, solemn speeches – it was on this day. The relatives and former colleagues Shayhidena Manapovich, leading professors of the university took part in the opening ceremony, representatives of the department, where he worked. The best years of working life Sh.M. Zhukusheva held in this university. For the year as it is not in this world, but the memory of it alive. Shayhiden Manapovich began his career in the factory technical colleges at Karmetkombinat teacher of “Metallurgy of ferrous metals” on the invitation of the rector in 1964. This institution of higher education took career Sh Zhukusheva. In 1981, he opened a department of “Technology of metals and metallurgy” and served as the head, after 4 years was the head of the preparatory department, in 1992 – Associate Professor of “Materials Science and Physics of Metals”. From 1994 to 1999. He was dean of the evening, and then the correspondence departments. Shayhiden Manapovich for 35 years of work has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the University, produced a large number of specialists, who later became prominent political, public and government officials, heads of big companies and big businessmen. 

 Press-center of the KGIU 

(Translated by Kastruba Leonid, AiU-15)

2016-04-12 12:10:12

[Section or its translation in the development phase. Try the other language versions: Русский, Қазақша]

2016-03-29 23:23:09

Евгений Панин: «Лучшее вложение – это вложение в самого себя»

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