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Scientific creativity of young people in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Karaganda Industrial University hosted the XLVIII Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of the Young in the World of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” on April 12, held jointly with the Kremenchug National University named by Ostrogradsky (Ukraine).

Scientists, teachers, employees of universities of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, enterprises and educational institutions, doctors, undergraduates and students took part in the conference. According to the conference, the chairman of the organizing committee, the director of the Institute of Electromechanics, Energy Saving and Control Systems of the Kremenchug National University named by M. Ostrogradsky, Professor AP Cherny.

At the plenary session, A.A. Aikeeva, vice-rector for research and international relations of the KSIU, spoke. She focused on the fact that the main goal set by the Head of State is to bring Kazakhstan’s education to a qualitatively new level, which allows our country to become one of the most advanced countries in the world. The importance of integrating scientific activity and the educational process is noted by the Head of State in the annual Addresses to the people of Kazakhstan. In the new message of N. A. Nazarbayev “New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, clearly defined are the tasks that the country has successfully achieved in the new world with its rapidly changing conditions. Altyn Amanzholovna spoke about the scientific, innovative and international activities of the KSIU, about the plans of the university for the coming years and wished the conference participants successful work and fruitful exchange of views.

A young scientist of the KSIU D. Tokseit told about the training in the network academy “Cisco” and its influence on the further career at the plenary session. With the report “Topiraktardi zerthanalyk synau”, the master student gr. C-16 nm A. Kasenova. About the best tools for effective management of the company the student gr. E-15 T. Silaeva. Then, in the classrooms of the main and new buildings, work began on nine different sections. The speakers were representatives of Pavlodar State University. Toraigyrov, KarSU named by Buketov, Kazakh National Technical University named by Satpayev, KSIU, colleges and secondary schools.

A total of 300 reports were submitted for the conference, of which the largest number was in the sections “Actual problems of engineering technology”, “Innovations in the development of metallurgy and metal science”, “Business development in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization of the world economy”, “Architecture and construction”. The works were presented in three languages ​​- Kazakh, Russian and English, at the choice of the speakers.

The best results were shown by KSIU students I. Stamkulov (class MITNM-14, “Innovations in the development of metallurgy and metallurgy”), J. Franz (TOMD-15c, section “Actual problems of engineering technology”), A. Musin (gr. KHTOV-14, Section “Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology”), A. Smile and A. Batyrbek (section EE-15k, section “Heat-and-power engineering, electric power and automation of production”), D. Prokhorovitch (group WTPO-15, section “Modern physics and mathematics and information technology”), A. Sapar (section S-15k-2 section “Architecture and Construction”), D. Se Dullaev and A. Tursunov (section E-17, section “Business Development in Kazakhstan in Conditions of Globalization of the World Economy”), S. Kuanyshyzy (TOMD-17k-3, section “The Role of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines in Modernizing Public Consciousness), S. Elefteriadi (TOMD-17, section “Philological Sciences”).

After a fruitful and busy day of work, the commission summed up the results. At the closing ceremony of the conference, the winners of the first three places in each section were awarded with certificates and gifts, and especially distinguished speakers, heads of educational institutions and teachers who prepared the participants, letters of gratitude.

Press-service of KSIU

A T T E N T I O N!


A T T E N T I O N!


 On April 12-13, 2018   

Karaganda Industrial University jointly with the Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuk National University (Ukraine) conducts

the XLVIII scientific and practical conference

“Scientific creativity of the youth in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”

Plenary session (teleconference) will be held on 12 April 2018 in I-313 from 10.00 – to 11.30;

Work on sections on April 12 from 11.45 – to 13.00 and from 14.00- to 16.00;

Closing of the conference on April 12 at 17.00 in I-313.



  1. Section “Innovations in the development of Metallurgy and Metallurgical Science” I-225
  2. Section “Actual problems of technology of mechanical engineering” I-200
  3. Section “Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology” I-201
  4. Section “Heat Power, Electric Engineering Automation of Production” N-107
  5. Section “Modern Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies” I-313
  6. Section “Architecture and Construction” N-306
  7. Section “Development of business in Kazakhstan in the conditions of globalization of the World Economics” N-321
  8. Section “The role of Social humanities in modernization of the public consciousness” N-412
  9. Section “Philological Sciences” N-223


Memorandums between KSIU and Hungarian universities were signed

The signing of memoranda of cooperation with four Hungarian universities is the result of the active participation of B. A. Zhautikov, rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University (Temirtau), in the Hungarian-Kazakh Rectors Forum, which was held in Budapest.

The forum of rectors, which was held at the “Corvinus” University, can be safely called the dialogue platform of the two countries on educational technologies. Among the priority areas in the development of joint projects are digital technologies, energy, transport and logistics, sports and tourism. At the forum, memorandums and agreements on mutual understanding between universities were signed, as well as between the Council of Rectors of the Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of Rectors of Hungary.

The rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University B.A. Zhautikov signed memorandums of understanding with Hungary’s largest University of Pannonia (Veszprem), the leading university of Budapest Eotvos Lorand University, one of the oldest technical universities in Europe, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and also with one of the leading universities of the country University of Debrecen.

– The University of Pannonia works in close cooperation with regional industrial partners and local authorities. This university is consistently among the top ten educational institutions in Hungary. It trains more than 14,000 students – both local citizens and foreigners, who can later participate in student exchange programs, “said Bakhyt Zhautikov. – The history of the University named after Lorand Eotvos totals more than four centuries. The modern name is associated with the name of one of its professors – a world-famous physicist. The University belongs to the Association of Universities of Europe “Utrecht Network” and has already been in the eighth year of research. Currently, the university employs more than 1500 teachers and trains about 30 thousand students, including foreign ones. Every year, the University of Lorand Eotvos offers several options for scholarship programs, in which foreign students can participate.

At the Budapest University of Technical and Economic Sciences employs more than a thousand employees and more than 24,000 students study, one third of whom come to Hungary from abroad. The University of Debrecen accepts approximately 32,000 students, more than 2,000 of them from abroad, and more than 1,500 teachers and professors.

As noted by Bakhyt Zhautikov, communication with representatives of different universities of the two countries is of great importance for KSIU. Establishing relations with Hungarian universities will lead to positive changes for all parties in the educational process.

The main areas of cooperation are: exchange of students, undergraduates, PhD students for training, scientific research, internships; joint conducting of courses and seminars, management of master’s, PhD-doctoral dissertations; the organization at the universities of internships of the teaching staff, researchers, undergraduates and doctoral students PhD. Attention will be paid to improving the quality of training and professional development of scientific and pedagogical personnel; joint preparation and publication of educational and methodological literature in order to update and create new textbooks on the basis of scientific research; the development of a joint program on publishing activities, the preparation and publication of scientific literature.

A mechanism will be developed and interaction of expert, scientific, technical and dissertational councils will be provided in the issues of assessing the level of preparation of undergraduates, PhD students, and their dissertations; Participation in the implementation of joint research in the priority area using the material and technical basis of the parties on a mutually acceptable basis.

– In addition, the list of the main areas of cooperation – the creation of conditions for training and retraining of personnel that increase innovation in the education and science, the commercialization of research results, – says B.A. Zhautikov, – the joint organization of scientific and practical conferences and seminars , joint participation and development of international cooperation programs in the field of science of innovative technologies, integration into the world scientific, educational and information systems, development joint scientific projects for participation in competitions of international funds and organizations, as well as organization and conduct of distance learning.

Press-service of KSIU

Уважаемые студенты ВУЗов!

Мы рады сообщить вам, что прием заявок на публикацию в  первом номере  студенческой книжной коллекции «Жас Қыран», запущенной в
рамках республиканского проекта «Лучший студент», организованного Общественным фондом
«Мосты согласия» открыт!
Заявки принимаются  от  успешных студентов  по направлениям :
–           Наука
–           Искусство
–           Спорт
–           А также от
председателей и активистов студенческих организаций
В книгу войдут обладатели «Алтын белгі», лауреаты международных, республиканских
и региональных олимпиад, конференций, проектов и выступлений; лидеры и
активисты общественных молодежных движений , Члены
национальной сборной Казахстана, лауреаты и призеры Олимпийских игр,
международных и спортивных соревнований.
Участникам проекта будет вручена
книга  «Жас Қыран» , специальный нагрудной
значок  «Лучший студент 2018 года» и  Свидетельство о заслугах.
Список необходимых документов составляет:    Автобиография (не более 2 страниц,  TimesNewRoman, 14 кегл ), копий подтверждающих
документов ( например: полученноеписьмо-благодарность,
диплом и т.д ) ,  также
разрешаются награды, присужденные в 9-11 классах ,  фото в формате 4*5. Перечисленные документы необходимо отправить по
электронному адресу  uzdik2018@gmail.com до 31 марта 2018
года . Документы принимаются на трех языках (казахский,
русский, английский). В биографии необходимо обязательно указать адрес
проживания ( в случае невозможности
приезда в Астану, на указанный адрес будут отправлены: сборник, значок, грамота )
Презентация книги состоится 27 апреля 2018 года в городе
Астана. На презентацию приглашаются студенты, имена которых были включены в
книгу «Жас Қыран».Окончательная программа конференции будет отправлена до 10

Инф. письмо кз

Инф. письмо ру

XLVIII scientific and practical conference “Scientific creativity of the youth in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, conducting jointly with the Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuk National University (Ukraine)

Karaganda State Industrial University

invites you to take part in the

XLVIII scientific and practical conference

“Scientific creativity of the youth in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”,

conducting jointly with the Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuk National University (Ukraine)



April 12-13, 2018




The purpose of the conference is the discussion of the results of scientific research problems of metallurgy, economics, construction, engineering, technology and education, and also practical recommendations for their use in science and practice.



  1. Section “Innovations in the development of Metallurgy and Metallurgical Science”
  2. Section “Actual problems of technology of mechanical engineering”
  3. Section “Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology”
  4. Section “Heat Power, Electric Engineering Automation of Production”
  5. Section “Modern Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies”
  6. Section “Architecture and Construction”
  7. Section “Development of business in Kazakhstan in the conditions of globalization of the World Economics”
  8. Section “The role of Social humanities in modernization of the public consciousness”
  9. Section “Philological Sciences”





April 12, 2018registration of the participants;

April 12-13, 2018the organization and holding of the conference.



101400, Kazakhstan, Karaganda region, Temirtau, Respubliki ave., 30, Karaganda State Industrial University. Tel.: +7 (7213) 92 05 94



Participants: pupils, students, undergraduates, doctoral candidates and young scientists, age no more than 35. Official languages of the conference – Kazakh, Russian and English. The finished research works are issued in a format of reports which are corresponding to scope of the conference and having actual theoretical and practical value for development of fundamental and engineering sciences are allowed to the participation in the conference.

The conference will be held in the form of an online broadcast. All educational institutions wishing to participate in a video conference, should send the applications for participation in the conference to the email address: info@kgiu.kz to April 02, 2018.

Detailed information on carrying out of the XLVIII scientific and practical conference “Scientific creativity of the youth in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, is on website: kgiu.kz





 for the XLVIII scientific and practical conference

“Scientific creativity of the youth in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”


Name, surname of the author (coauthors)  
Name of the article  
Position and Place of work  
Academic degree, academic status  
Telephone number  