“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Коллектив РГП КГИУ поздравляет

Кунтуш Е.В., Сиверскую Т.И. и Кудайбергенову А.Х.

с успешной защитой магистерской диссертации

Желаем дальнейших успехов!!!

Program of the external audit of expert group of Independent Kazakhstan agency on ensuring quality in education on specialized (program) accreditation (Technological machines and equipment, Mechanical engineering, Chemical technology of organic substances, Health and safety and environment protection)


of the external audit of expert group of Independent Kazakhstan agency on ensuring quality in education on specialized (program) accreditation of the Karaganda state industrial university

(Technological machines and equipment, Mechanical engineering, Chemical technology of organic substances, Health and safety and environment protection)





13th of May

During the day

Arrival of members of EG   Hotel
                                                               The 1st day: 14th of May, 2014


Transfer to KSIU H, EG, C  


Placement of experts in a EG office.

Introduction meeting

H, EG, C N – 223


Meeting with the managers of university H, EG, C Rector’s office


Interview with vice-rectors of university H, EG, C,  vice-rectors  N – 201


Interview with the heads of structural divisions H, EG, C, Heads of structural divisions  N – 201


Visual survey of the educational building of faculty of technology of mechanical engineering and automation and chairs in the directions of accredited educational programs:

1. Technological machines and transport (Technological machines and equipment);

2. Processing of metals with pressure (Mechanical engineering);

3. Chemical technology and ecology (Chemical technology of organic substances, Health and safety and environment protection)

H, EG , head of the faculty,

Heads of chairs

Educational building


Dinner H, EG, C Main building


Studying of documentation of chairs and selective visit of studies in the directions of accredited educational programs:

1. Technological machines and transport (Technological machines and equipment);

2. Processings of metals with pressure (Mechanical engineering);

3. Chemical technology and ecology (Chemical technology of organic substances, Health and safety and environment protection)

H, EG,

Heads of chairs,

professorial and teaching structure,



Educational building


Meeting with undergraduates in the directions of accredited educational programs H, EG, C,

students, undergraduates

І – 200


Meeting with the professorial and teaching structure of chairs in the directions of accredited educational programs H, EG, C, professorial and teaching structure of chairs І – 200


Meeting with graduates in the directions of accredited educational programs H, EG, C, graduates І – 200


Meeting with employers in the directions of accredited educational programs H, EG, C, employers І – 200


Exchange of opinions of members of expert group H, EG, C N – 223


Dinner H, EG, C Main building


Transfer to hotel H, EG, C  


Preparation for the next day H, EG, C Hotel

The 2nd day: 15th of May, 2014


Transfer to KSIU H, EG, C  


Studying of documentation of chairs and selective visit of studies in the directions of accredited educational programs:

1. Technological machines and transport (Technological machines and equipment);

2. Processing of metals with pressure (Mechanical engineering);

3. Chemical technology and ecology (Chemical technology of organic substances, Health and safety and environment protection)

H, EG,

Heads of chairs,

professorial and teaching structure,



Educational building


Dinner H, EG, C Main building


Studying of documentation of chairs and selective visit of studies in the directions of accredited educational programs:

1. Technological machines and transport (Technological machines and equipment);

2. Processing of metals with pressure (Mechanical engineering);

3. Chemical technology and ecology (Chemical technology of organic substances, Health and safety and environment protection)

H, EG,

Heads of chairs,

professorial and teaching structure,



Educational building


Visit of structural divisions: educational and methodical department (office of the registrar, sector of the academic mobility, sector of practice, marketing and employment of graduates), department of science and innovations (research institute of construction production, laboratory of the engineering profile “Electronic Microscopy and Nanotechnologies”), library H, EG, C,

responsible person

from higher education institution, heads of structural divisions

Educational building

18:00- 19:00

Exchange of opinions in expert group H, EG, C N – 223


Meeting with the managers, representation of preliminary results and recommendations H, EG, C Rector’s office


Dinner H, EG, C Main building


Transfer to hotel H, EG, C  

Leaving of experts   Hotel

Designations: Head – H; expert group – EG; coordinator – C.

Program of the external audit of expert group of Independent Kazakhstan agency on ensuring quality in education on specialized (program) accreditation (Metallurgy, Metallurgical science and technology of new materials, Construction)


of the external audit of expert group of Independent Kazakhstan agency on ensuring quality in education on specialized (program) accreditation of the Karaganda state industrial university

(Metallurgy, Metallurgical science and technology of new materials, Construction)






13th of May

During the day

Arrival of members of EG   Hotel
                                                               The 1st day: 14th of May, 2014


Transfer to KSIU H, EG, C  


Placement of experts in a EG office.

Introduction meeting

H, EG, C N – 223


Meeting with the managers of university H, EG, C Rector’s office


Interview with vice-rectors of university H, EG, C,  vice-rectors  N – 201


Interview with the heads of structural divisions H, EG, C, Heads of structural divisions  N – 201


Visual survey of the educational building of faculty of metallurgy and civil engineering and chairs in the directions of accredited educational programs:

1. Civil engineering and power system (Construction);

2. Metallurgy and materials science (Metallurgy, Metallurgical science and technology of new materials)

H, EG , head of the faculty,

Heads of chairs



Dinner H, EG, C Main building


Studying of documentation of chairs and selective visit of studies in the directions of accredited educational programs:

1. Civil engineering and power system (Construction);

2. Metallurgy and materials science (Metallurgy, Metallurgical science and technology of new materials)

H, EG,

Heads of chairs,

professorial and teaching structure,



Educational building


Meeting with undergraduates in the directions of accredited educational programs H, EG, C

Students, undergraduates

I – 225


Meeting with the professorial and teaching structure of chairs in the directions of accredited educational programs H, EG, C, professorial and teaching structure of chairs I – 225


Meeting with graduates in the directions of accredited educational programs H, EG, C, graduates I – 225


Meeting with employers in the directions of accredited educational programs H, EG, C, employers I – 225


Exchange of opinions of members of expert group H, EG, C H – 223


Dinner H, EG, C Cafe


Transfer to hotel H, EG, C  


Preparation for the next day H, EG, C Hotel

The 2nd day: 15th of May, 2014


Transfer to KSIU H, EG, C  


Studying of documentation of chairs and selective visit of studies in the directions of accredited educational programs:

1. Civil engineering and power system (Construction);

2. Metallurgy and materials science (Metallurgy, Metallurgical science and technology of new materials)

H, EG,

Heads of chairs,

professorial and teaching structure,




Educational building


Dinner Р, ЭГ, К Main building


Studying of documentation of chairs and selective visit of studies in the directions of accredited educational programs:

1. Civil engineering and power system (Construction);

2. Metallurgy and materials science (Metallurgy, Metallurgical science and technology of new materials)

H, EG,

Heads of chairs,

professorial and teaching structure,



Educational building


Visit of structural divisions: educational and methodical department (office of the registrar, sector of the academic mobility, sector of practice, marketing and employment of graduates), department of science and innovations (research institute of construction production, laboratory of the engineering profile “Electronic Microscopy and Nanotechnologies”), library H, EG, C,

responsible person

from higher education institution, heads of structural divisions

Educational building

18:00- 19:00

Exchange of opinions in expert group H, EG, C N – 223


Meeting with the managers, representation of preliminary results and recommendations H, EG, C Rector’s office


Dinner H, EG, C Main building


Transfer to hotel H, EG, C  

Leaving of experts   Hotel

Designations: Head – H; expert group – EG; coordinator – C.

Institutional and Special Accreditation

On 12-16 th of May 2014

External audit on institutional and special accreditation is conducted in Karaganda State Industrial Univercity by IAKPEQ

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