“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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In the final – “Blood Group”

Became known last finalist of the open league “Magnitka” season 2017-2018. On April 4, the KVN Spring Cup was held at the Karaganda State Industrial University.

In the game on “For the Lovely Ladies!” 7 teams took part. Jokes, you know, were appropriate. Each team was given five minutes to speak.

The first place in the end was taken by the guys from the team “Blood Group”. In the second position – the team “Non-standard”, in third place – “Team of programmers UFF.” The best player recognized Zarina Nozimova from the team “PedaBogi”. The champion of the spring Cup reached the final of the championship. The organizers of the game were the Karaganda state industrial university, the open league in Temirtau, the branch of the Nur Otan party working in the JSC «ArcelorMittal Temirtau», the Temirtau branch of the YC «Zhas Otan» and the PA «Temirtau Youth Club».

Press-service of KSIU


The second place in the Buketov’s  readings-2018 was given to a  student of KSIU

Third year student of KSIU, future economist Karina Smagulova took 2nd place in the regional scientific and practical conference of undergraduates and students “Buketov’s readings-2018” in the section “Actual issues of economics and law”.

The conference was held on March 29 in the KarSU named by Buketov. The student of the group “Economics-15” Karina Smagulova made a report about  “Features of the fourth industrial revolution.”

– I think that today my topic is relevant for discussion, – says Karina. – Opinions differ: someone says that this is a new stage in the development of the country, and some believe that the state will fall into the social-economic crisis. In my report, I tried to reflect all points of view, as well as the pros and cons of the topic and its features.

As the third-year student said, she received a lot of impressions at the conference and gained a lot of experience. The event was held at the highest level, the reports of all participants were relevant and informative.

Press-service of KSIU

Modernization of the public consciousness

The delegation from KSIU became a participant of the regional scientific and practical conference “Forming the personality of young leaders of ethno-cultural associations through the modernization of public consciousness”, which was held on March 29 in the House of Friendship (Karaganda).







The conference was attended by representatives of ethnocultural associations. The reports were made by V.A. Khmelevsky, the chairman of the Karaganda regional Polish community “Polonia”; N.A. Beisenbekova –  director of the research center “Tulgatanu”, associate professor of the KarSU named by Buketova; M.K. Abdakimova- head of the department  “Social work and the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan” of the Karaganda Economic University; V.E. Kist- chairman of the Karaganda regional society “German center” Wiedergeburt “; O.V. Golovchenko -the head of the youth wing of the Ukrainian Language named by Shevchenko “Ridne slovo”. They raised the issues of forming leadership qualities among the younger generation in the process of patriotic education, volunteerism in the youth environment, as well as the realization of the idea of ​​modernizing public consciousness. Then the meeting of panel sessions “Kazakhstan in conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, “National Consciousness: the agenda for the coming years” and “Values ​​of leaders of ethno-cultural associations” began.

The delegation from KSIU included several teachers and students of the university. The head of the department “Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan”, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor T. Semenova spoke about the role and significance of spiritual and moral components in the structure of human capital; the teacher of public disciplines, master of humanitarian sciences D.K. Zhanabergenova made a report on “Ideas of peace and harmony”, and the senior lecturer Zh. A. Akhmetov – with his work “Zhastardyn  ruhani bailygyn baiytuda, sheshendik өnerdegi sayasi kundylyktardyn orny men roli” .

In total, the conference heard over thirty reports on the most pressing issues. At the end of the event, all participants were awarded certificates.

Press-service of KSIU

Majilis deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan – five social initiatives of the Head of State

In Karaganda Industrial University, which is the Alma Mater of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on March 30, 2018, a meeting of deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan with students, undergraduates, young scientists and teachers was held. The main purpose of the visit of distinguished guests is to explain the mechanisms for implementing the five social initiatives of the Head of State.

Guests of KIU on this day were Beibut Baimagambetovich Mamrayev, deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, secretary of the Committee for Social and Cultural Development, head of the Economic Policy Council of the fraction of the party “Nur Otan”; Karibai Imanjanuly Musyrman is a member of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the Committee on Social and Cultural Development; Vasily Ivanovich Oleinik is a member of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Committee on Legislation and Judicial Reform.

KIU this year will celebrate its 55th anniversary. Today it is the leading technical college of Kazakhstan in the field of metallurgy. Over the years of independence, more than 25,000 specialists have received engineering education at KIU. In the current economic situation, the five social initiatives announced by the Head of State on March 5 this year inspire great optimism and confidence in the future and testify to deep concern over the fate of the people of Kazakhstan. All initiatives concern important aspects of the life of every citizen of the country and are aimed at further improving the well-being of the people.

The university has created an expanded base platform for the creation of digital educational production and implementation of elements of Industry 4.0 in the educational process. The university created the most favorable conditions for the all-round development of student youth – this applies to both classes and active extracurricular activities. Non-resident students are fully provided with hostels, in which all conditions for comfortable living are created.

The University actively supports the social initiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, the realization of which gives young people a full sense of the support and concern of the state.

For the deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an excursion was organized along the KIU , during which a demonstration of high-tech laboratories with unique equipment was held. The guests also visited the museum of the university with a long history and the recently opened office of Ruhani Jangyru, after which the round table was held with students and teachers of the university.

The deputy of Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Beibut Mamrayev, spoke about the importance of the five social initiatives of the Head of the State, and explained in detail and in detail the mechanisms for their implementation. He noted the importance of gaining knowledge in state universities, focused on increasing the number of grants for training, including technical specialties. Students KIU asked relevant and important questions about the prospects for the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin font, the employment of young people and much more. Beibut Baimagambetovich gave exhaustive answers and noted that the main task of each student is to get a quality education, and to achieve this goal it is necessary to do it on their own, showing their competitiveness in the labor market.

Majilis deputy Karibay Musyrman answered questions concerning state support of students from socially vulnerable categories, large families and low-income families, as well as from orphans. He noted that, in particular, grants for education are allocated by the state for orphans. In addition, Karibai Imanjanuly answered questions about employment after graduating from universities of those students who are trained on the state social project “Mangilik el zhastary – industriyaga!” – “Serpin”, and also explained the mechanism for implementing this project in terms of further obtaining postgraduate education.

The deputy of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vasily Oleinik answered questions concerning legislative acts on supporting socially important categories, including students.

In their speeches, the guests noted the good material and technical base of the KIU for the implementation of new educational programs and the training of highly qualified specialists.

Press-service of KIU

“Under the Sky of Truth”

In Karaganda Industrial University on March 29 saw the viewing of the documentary “Under the Sky of Truth”, created by Kazakhfilm JSC named after Sh. Aymanov. 

The review took place within the framework of the implementation of the “Strategy for Counteracting Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025”, as well as the strengthening of the idea of ​​the program article of the Head of State “Orientation towards the Future: Spiritual Revival”.

The film is aimed at building a solid civic position, the principle of honesty and integrity, as well as universal rejection of corruption. Participation in the viewing took 400 students of the university.

Press-service of KIU