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K.K. Tokayev

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New textbooks – for everyone

The KSIU Scientific Library invites teachers and students to get acquainted with new books received under the program “New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language”. Among the literature are textbooks on economics, management, sociology, philosophy, business, linguistics, psychology, religious studies, anthropology and journalism.



To remember!

On May 30, the City Historical and Local Lore Museum hosted the dialogue platform “The Tumbled World: Archive Documents Speak”, dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions. Students of KSIU took an active part in the event.

The participants of the dialogue platform demonstrated unique documents with the names of all people of Temirtau  who were subjected to repression and many years later rehabilitated. Previously, no one kept such statistics, so the museum staff had to collect information by bit through the National Security Committee. In a unique list of 189 family names – 42 people were sentenced to be shot (their names were crossed out in red), the rest stayed in Stalin’s camps from 15 to 25 years.

For a small village of Samarkand, from which the city of Temirtau started, the figure 189 is huge. The names of the repressed were consigned to oblivion. So far information about these people is only contained in short dry archival records. The lists have never been published anywhere, so the museum staff suggested that students of the KSIU organize a search circle, with which it would be possible to find at least some information about these people and their loved ones.

A number of issues were voiced within the framework of the dialogue platform, among them:

– Does it make sense after decades of repression to raise and publish archival documents relating to the era of totalitarianism?

– Is it possible to justify repressive measures? the forces of prisoners built many industrial facilities – so maybe the end justifies the means?

– What is the reason for the mass retaliation and the use of capital punishment?

– How are the Stalinist repressions and the ethnic composition of the population in Kazakhstan connected?

– for what kind of actions for you in the years 1937-38 you could have been convicted?

– would you tell us about Stalin’s repressions to your relatives? Is there any repressed in your family?

The students of KSIU took an active part in the discussion and noted the importance of this topic. Representatives of different nationalities Zemfira Atakulova, Saveliy Elefteriadi and Leonid Kim told about the history of their ancestors repressed and relocated to Kazakhstan.

Press-service of KSIU

Forum continues

The second forum of rectors of Kazakhstani-American universities continues in Philadelphia. 

As part of the Kazakh delegation – vice minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Aimagambetov, vice-president of JSC “Center for International Programs” Z. Torbekova, rectors of several universities, among them – Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay, Karaganda State Industrial University, Eurasian University. Gumilev, Pavlodar State University. Toraigyrova, South Kazakhstan Pedagogical State University, Almaty University of Energy and Communications, South Kazakhstan State University. Auezov, Karaganda State Technical University, Taraz University of Innovation and Humanities.

International Association of Higher Education Workers – NAFSA, the world’s largest non-profit organization that deals with international education and exchange, is 70 years old. NAFSA has 10,000 members in more than 150 countries. Today, May 31, the summit of presidents and rectors will take place within the framework of NAFSA-2018. In connection with the important event, NAFSA has prepared a full-scale forum with exhibition halls, where each of the represented universities has the opportunity to state about its achievements in higher education. At the Fair of Higher Education in the exhibition hall, American universities establish partnerships with domestic universities, and also strengthen relations with Kazakh universities.

Yesterday the working day of the forum began with introductory words and greetings from officials of the Institute of International Education, the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, the University of Pennsylvania. Within the framework of the forum, a briefing was held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Institute of International Education.

The rector of the KSIU B.A. Zhautikov spoke in one of the panel discussions “Current priorities, problems and opportunities for Kazakhstan universities”. On the same day, B2B meetings were held between Kazakhstan and America universities.

A delegation from Kazakhstan visited the Pennsylvania State University campuses and the business incubator of the university.

Press-service of KSIU

New books on Kazakh language – access to the world literature

Eighteen textbooks on the economy, management, sociology, philosophy, entrepreneurship, linguistics, psychology, religious studies, anthropology and journalism already been translated as part of programs “new humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks on Kazakh language” and free transferred to the public universities the country. 1485 copies of new books one of the first received Karaganda state industrial University (KSIU).

The head of state N.A. Nazarbayev in its program modernization of public consciousness focuses on the Humanities and highlights: “we need not just engineers and physicians, but also the people who are well aware of the present and future.” For the citizens of the country’s President made available to a better world literature. Textbooks for translation chosen by several criteria: they should be used in the training programs hundreds of the leading universities the world, republished at least three times, the last publication should be no more than three years. In addition, the book substantially must meet the requirements of ideological neutrality. Had a value and modernity textbook in terms of the presence of his multimedia component (for example, online courses). Among the books, translated to Kazakh language – the best intelligent products United States, Russia, France, Switzerland and the UK. 16 of 18 translated textbooks in the original written in English, one – by French and Russian. Translations were conducted only with the language of the original, on this insisted operator спецпроекта “new humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks on Kazakh language” – non-profit fund “National translation.”

In the library of KSIU (the city of Temirtau) shelves in the recently reported literature cause live interest and attract the attention of faculty and students. Else would be: colorful printing, fascinating names, high-quality translation.

Head of Department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” N.A. Abdikarim has taken in the library of the University of two new textbook.

One of them – “Til bilimine kirispe” (“introduction to linguistics”). The book very interesting and useful. Earlier with scientific point of view of the language of considered as a means of communication. Years 20-30 ago, when we get higher education, opinions and proceedings of the Western linguists were inaccessible.

Now the direction of learning changed, and in the study language appeared multidimensional approaches – says Nurziya Abdikarimovna. – In this tutorial are very important, the dates and science-based topics that are considered by comparisons and comparisons. Here is not only considered theoretical questions, but there is materials with practical use, such as interesting section “grammar learning.”

The second tutorial, particularly interested in N.A. Abdikarim, – “Til zhane madenietaralyk communicacia” (“language and intercultural communication”). This topic is today, when there is a globalization and implementation of multilingual model of education, important than ever. –

if a person allows for some grammatical errors, then, in the opinion of scientists, it is excusably – is perceived as individual error – continues to Nurzia Abdikarimovna. – But when we are talking about the cultural issues to be in them uninformed completely unacceptable. When in communication allowed errors due to the ignorance of culture, people perceive it as an insult his people. Therefore, in first of all we all have to own knowledge on intercultural communication.

Senior lecturer “history of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian discipline” M. S. Soltan got carried away reading the new textbook “Sokrattan derridaga deiyn. Philosophianyn kyskasha tarihy” (“of Socrates to the Derrida. Brief history of philosophy”). – receipt of new books has become a Pleasant surprise for faculty of our Department.

In the near future we have the opportunity to give students quality knowledge of sociology, philosophy, psychology, religious studies and other topics – says Magira Soltanovna. – In the textbook “Sokrattan derridaga deiyn. Philosophianyn kyskasha tarihy” are available with historical events, key definitions, as well as biographies 15 thinkers, including – Descartes, Kant, Spinoza, Marx, Wittgenstein and many others. Knowledge obtained when reading this book, have a great value and personally for me – I rise level and the quality of their knowledge of philosophy that is useful to me at admission in doctorate, what I am now hard preparе.

68-year-old Zhetpisbes Akhmetov also powered by the Department of “the history of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian discipline” – teaches philosophy on Kazakh language. Book to read choose the appropriate – the first is “Antica philosophiasy» (“antique philosophy”).

– I have a great opportunity to compare the views of Kazakhstan, Russian and foreign philosophers, which are considered best lecturers Western Europe, – says Zhetpisbes Ahmetovich. – In the new textbook very detail, and indicating the reference to primary sources, described school of different philosophers ancient period, the Pythagorean, Plato and Aristotle to Dam and Augustyn, their views on the life. Interested in sections dedicated to religious philosophy, metaphysics, logic, knowledge of the world.

At the teachers of KSIU before the start a new school year is the time of the fact that the study new textbooks, then they will begin to use them in their work. In addition to the print versions of books for all who want to be free available their electronic analogues.

In the 2018 plan to transfer to Kazakh more 30 textbooks on psychology the Internet, international law, the history of Western philosophy, diplomacy, journalism, linguistics, semiotics, new pedagogy, the history of art, as well as on the economy and entrepreneurship.

Svetlana Egorova

Photo author

Rectors forum in the USA

In the United States of America there is the NAFSA conference and the forum of rectors, in which the rector of the Karaganda industrial university B.A. Zhautikov takes part.

Yesterday, on May 29, the NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo 2018 conference began in Pennsylvania. An agreement was signed between Karaganda Industrial University and Michigan State University. This document will facilitate the participation of KSIU students in the American Semester (ASP) program and is called upon to develop a mutually beneficial learning process abroad. Now KSIU will be able to send its students to Michigan State University for study for one semester, for the academic year or for summer short courses.

Today the meeting of rectors takes place in Pennsylvania State University. Speakers include representatives of the Institute of International Education, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, universities of the United States and Kazakhstan.

Press-service of KSIU