“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Aldabayeva Asem Eginbaeva


Master of Economic Sciences

Date of birth (day, month, year)


Place of Birth

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region


The Republic of Kazakhstan



Education (year of graduation and name of the university)

In 1996 she graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Consumer Cooperation with a degree in Finance and Credit. Qualified economist

2018 – defense of a master’s thesis in Economics

2019 – mastered the cycle of pedagogical disciplines at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Academic degree

Master of Economic Sciences

Academic title

Total work experience including teaching experience

26 general / 25 pedagogical

Professional development:

2013, 2014

Thomson Reuters Scientific & Scholarly Research


Project financing of sustainable development, China, Urumqi


Springer Nature

10.30 – 11.11 2017

Entrepreneurship Management, Astana

15.10 – 10.22.2018

Seminar “Certified University Teacher – University didactics and pedagogical competencies”, Karaganda

December 4, 2018

Institutional and specialized accreditation in higher educational institutions” Astana

April 22-26.04.2019

Participation in a training seminar for rural women of the Karaganda region “Training in the basics of business and business implementation through the use of green technology” as part of the Green Economy Week in Karaganda


The transition to the Latin script”, Temirtau

June 3 – June 15, 2019

Industrial internship on the basis of KOF Kazpost JSC


Certificate of advanced training “Development of professional competencies of the teacher of the course” Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship “in the amount of 80 academic hours of Nur-Sultan


Certificate of professional development “Taxes 2020” in Almaty.

21.06-3.07.21 г.

Economics and management at the enterprise. MES RK Toraigyrov University

12.08.2021 г.

English (level A1). RGKP Language Center of Temirtau

01.-31.08.21 г.

Internship.Audit and ISA. Practical audit. LLP “Magistral 2010”

Publications and presentations:


The practice of interaction of companies with stakeholders , Materials of the International Scientific and Methodological Journal “Global science and innovations 2021: Central Asia” No. 1(12). SERIES “ECONOMIC SCIENCES”. – PP. 6-10


Features of formation and development of in-house knowledge in modern organizations”Global Science and Innovation 2021:

Central Asia” No. 2(13). JUNE 2021

The series “Economic Sciences”. – – P. 3-8 (Nursultan)


Ecological and economic effect from the disposal of harmful gases Improving the quality of education, modern innovations in science and production: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference held on May 14, 2021 in Ekibastuz. – pp. 4-7


Actual problems of the International Monetary Fund. The sixteenth all-Ukrainian scientific and practical Internet Conference of young scientists, postgraduates and students/ professional formation of youth in the context of integration development of Ukraine.September,2020


Zertteudin zhanashyldyk criteria.International Scientific and Methodological Conference. Architectonics of the educational space: trends and challenges,

dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 4.12.2020.December,2020


Effectiveness of state measures to support small business: theory, methodology (monograph) Monograph, Kagandy industrialyk University, 2019 – 118b. ISBN 978-601-7917-58-6


Transition to environmentally safe manufacture in metallurgy MNPK “Environmental, industrial and energy Security – 2019” September 23-26, 2019, Sevastopol.C67-71.RSCI


Benchmarking is a tool for applying best practices to achieve the set goals of MNPC, MISIS, Moscow, December 12-14, 2018, pp.183 -189 of the RSCI


The importance and necessity of developing a green economy

Bolashak Academy is one of the most important modern problems


The system of university management using the process approach

Bulletin No. 4,2018. pp.183-186

Number of publications for

Over 45

Including textbooks, EMP, monographs


Family status

Married, has 3 children

Place of work

Karaganda Industrial University, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Construction

phone numbers:

mobile phone


corporate mail


