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Dangerous networks: how to deal with online radicalization in Kazakhstan?

[Дата публикации: 02.12.2022, 16:33:41, published by: Sergey Plotnikov]


As you know, one of the key prerequisites for radicalization is isolation, isolation for various reasons from the usual society or lifestyle. However, in the modern world, a person does not remain alone to the extent that it was possible before the advent of the Internet – now he always has the opportunity to find like-minded people, understanding and sympathy online. And it often turns out that this kind of “vest” becomes people with their own goals and motives, which may not be harmless at all.

Having directed the main – both financial and human – resources for working on the Internet to implement prohibitive measures, radicalization is “a process as a result of which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism.

“Online radicalization leads to violence – this is a process in which a person is involved in a system of ideological messages and beliefs that differ from the generally accepted belief system by extremist views.

Who is at risk? The greatest threat of radicalization through Internet resources is exposed to young people, who make up the main audience of social networks and other Internet resources in Kazakhstan. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to follow simple rules:

To get reliable information about religion, contact imams and clergymen.

Receive information only from Internet resources from official websites of the clergy and do not trust questionable content.

Do not listen to and in no case, post lectures and audio recordings of unknown religious preachers on your personal page on social networks

If you or your family have suffered from the influence of destructive religious organizations, you should contact the center’s helpline.

Methods of combating online radicalization.

Information and propaganda (or information and explanatory, IRG) groups are, in fact, the main instrument of state policy to counter radicalization. This is a group of specialists from different professional fields – religious figures, psychologists and religious scholars, whose competence includes holding various kinds of mass events, there are educational accounts that deal with the counter-extremist policy of the state through public.

“Deanonymization” of employees working both online and offline in this area, especially in regions and small settlements. This could contribute to the formation of their authority among regional youth, who are currently experiencing an acute shortage of mentors, spiritual leaders.

. The possession of Internet skills will increase the audience of public posts in social networks, attract the attention of young people, and the growth of knowledge in related fields will enable them to promptly competently answer questions that arise from this audience.

Close interdepartmental cooperation at the regional level with Youth Policy Departments, because issues of employment, education and other youth problems are closely interrelated with this work. The exchange of experience and knowledge, the involvement of additional specialists in this work will have a positive impact on educational work.

Exchange of experience and content, analysis of interesting cases and deeper knowledge not only of the regional context, but also of the specifics of problems existing in other parts of the country, will expand the boundaries of perception. The creation of such a “community” will lead to an awareness of the importance of such work, raising the self-esteem of civil servants.

Of course, do not forget about self-defense against online radicalization. For the safety of citizens of our country, it is recommended to visit only verified Internet resources of official state bodies and religious associations.

If you or your family have suffered from the influence of destructive religious organizations, you should contact the center’s helpline.

The target audience of the work being carried out are young people, believers, civil servants and “broad segments of the population, including the working and rural population” – that is, in fact, the entire people of Kazakhstan

Secular society and high spirituality are our main values.

Spiritual and religious values should contribute to the prosperity of the country, create favorable conditions for the development of all spheres.

Salpenova Madina Meiramovna

Member of the city information

and explanatory group,

Master of Law

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02.12.2022, 16:33:41, Sergey Plotnikov Categories: News