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Visit of a foreign scientist

[Дата публикации: 08.12.2021, 17:13:37, published by: Umit Khuangan]


On November 30, 2021, a foreign scientist Vadim Vladimirovich Konshin, Doctor of Chemical Sciences of the Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov, arrived at the university.
Until December 28, 2021, the invited scientist will hold a series of lectures, seminars for students and undergraduates.
The number of publications of V.V. Konshin over the past 5 years is 55,
in publications indexed by Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus — 6;
The Hirsch index in indexed publications:
Web of Science Core Collection – 1;
Scopus — 4.
The Hirsch index for elibrary is -6.
List of major publications over the past five years:

1. Protopopov A.V.,Efrushin D.D., Kon’shin V.V.Problem of modification of technical lignins using acylation method // CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF PLANT SUBSTANCES, 2017 – Apple Academic Press, Inc. Pp. 157-178.
2. M. V. Efanov, V. V. Kon’shin, A. A. Sinitsyn. Production of Composite Materials from Peat and Wood by Explosive Autohydrolysis // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2019, Vol. 92, No. 1, Pp. 45−49. DOI:
3. M. V. Efanov, V. V. Kon’shin, I. V. Anan’ina, M. P. Sartakov. Acetylation of Peat by a Mechanochemical Method // SOLID FUEL CHEMISTRY 2019. Vol. 53. № 5. Рр 280-282.
4. M. V. Efanov, M.P. Sartakov, V. V. Kon’shin, A. A. Sinitsyn. Mechanochemical Xanthogenation of Peat // CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, 2020, Vol. 56, № 2, Pp. 385-387.
5. M. V. Efanov, V. V. Kon’shin, M. P. Sartakov. Esterification of peat by mechanochemical method // Book of Abstracts Fifth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies «Humic substances
and living systems» (HIT-2019) October 19–23, 2019, Moscow, Russia. Pp 112.д

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08.12.2021, 17:13:37, Umit Khuangan Categories: News