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A reporting meeting of the Rector of Karaganda Industrial University B. Abdrasilov was held in front of the public

[Дата публикации: 04.11.2021, 16:10:52, published by: Umit Khuangan]


On November 3 of this year, the reporting meeting of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of Karaganda Industrial University B. Abdrasilov in front of the public was held online via the ZOOM platform.

The event was attended by heads and representatives of state bodies, deputies of the city maslikhat, public organizations, teachers, students, parents. In addition, the reporting meeting was broadcast live on the university’s YouTube channel, Instagram, and on the official pages of social networks.

In his speech, B. Abdrasilov spoke about the development of the university, its qualitative changes and achievements during the reporting period. The Rector noted that today Karaganda Industrial University is a recognized training center for the mining and metallurgical industry of the country, having established ties with multinational corporations, enterprises and organizations of the city and the region. He reported in detail on the current situation, strategic objectives and development directions for all types of university activities. According to academic work, there was an increase in the contingent and admission of applicants this year, high employment rates of graduates, the development of modern training platforms and digital content, the introduction of LMS MOODLE. The achievements of the publication activity of the university scientists (5th place in the Republic of Kazakhstan), the execution of works commissioned by industrial enterprises, the university’s contribution to the creation of a regional innovation ecosystem were shown in scientific work. The international cooperation of CarIU with leading universities was noted, as well as fruitful work on attracting foreign students. The new personnel policy of the university and the results of financial and economic activities are covered in detail.

The Rector noted a twofold or more increase in the salaries of teachers and staff, reported on the repair work carried out in 2021 in the buildings and dormitories of the university (repair of the roof, restoration of heating, lighting and power supply systems), about the purchased household appliances (kitchen stoves, refrigerators, washing machines, irons, ironing boards, televisions) to create comfortable conditions in student dormitories. He also spoke in detail about the measures taken to ensure safe learning and living conditions on the university campus.

The socio-youth policy of the university was highlighted through the implementation of educational work within the framework of the main directions of the program «Rukhani Zhangyru», the development of the debate movement and volunteer activities.

During the reporting meeting, the secretary of the city maslikhat A.Lomakin thanked the rector for the fruitful work of the university management.

Following the meeting, the Rector of CarIU answered questions received from social networks and from students. Most of the questions posed to the rector concerned the dormitory, the educational process and research work.

«We will consider the questions and proposals put by the participants as soon as possible», – said the Rector of KarIU B. Abdrasilov.


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04.11.2021, 16:10:52, Umit Khuangan Categories: News