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On November 25, another «Hour of Integrity» was organized for students of Karaganda Industrial University

[Дата публикации: 25.11.2021, 14:12:48, published by: Umit Khuangan]


The purpose of the integrity hour is to instill in students an idea of the main values of a person-honesty, integrity, justice and faith, to promote the acquisition of moral qualities of kindness, intelligence, truthfulness, mercy, etc., to foster respect and mercy for each other.

During the curatorial hour, the students were shown a video clip «Adaldyk Sagaty» with the chairman of the youth wing of «JasOtan» Yerzhan Khamitov, presented by the Department for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region.

The hour of integrity, as always, passed at a high emotional level. The students watched the video with interest and shared their opinions about the values of honesty.



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25.11.2021, 14:12:48, Umit Khuangan Categories: News