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The best student of the CIS 2021!

[Дата публикации: 15.09.2021, 16:58:06, published by: Umit Khuangan]



International center of knowledge, science and sport

Information mail

Dear students of universities and colleges of the CIS!

We are pleased to inform you that applications are open for the publication of a collection of books by talented students of the CIS «Zhas Kyran» in 2021, launched as part of the international project «Best Student», organized in order to support the youth of the CIS country by the international center for sports, education and science «Genius» !

Applications are accepted from successful students in the following areas:

– The science

– Art

– Sports

– And also from the chairmen and activists of student organizations

The book will include laureates of international, republican and regional Olympiads, conferences, projects and performances; leaders and activists of public youth movements, laureates and prize-winners of the Olympic Games, international and sports competitions.

The project participants will be awarded the book «Zhas Kyran», a special badge «The best student of the year» and diplomas of the I, II, III degrees.

The best of the best, 3 laureates, will receive a special GENIUS prize.

The list of required documents is: Autobiography (no more than 2 pages, TimesNewRoman, 14 size), copies of supporting documents (for example: letter of gratitude, diploma, etc.), awards awarded in grades 9-11 are also allowed, photo in 4×5 format … In the biography, it is necessary to indicate the address of residence (if it is impossible to hold the ceremony, the collection, badge, letter will be sent to the specified address)

Send the listed documents to the email address genius.ickss@mail.ru until November 10, 2021. Documents are accepted in three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian, English).

The presentation of the collection and the awarding ceremony are planned to be held in the form of a conference in December 2021 in the city of Nur-Sultan. All «Best Students» included in the collection are invited to the presentation of the collection. The final conference program will be sent by November 30 to selected students. At the final conference, badges will be presented by famous persons of the country, excursions around Nur-Sultan, visits to cultural centers of the capital of Kazakhstan (museum, etc.) are also provided.

Attention !!!

An organization fee is charged. In case of a positive response, information about contributions will be sent to your email address within 3 (three) days from the date of sending.

For all questions, please call: +77751368416







Almuldanova Alina Berikovna was born on August 24, 1998 in the Almaty region, in the city of Taldykorgan. In 2006 she entered the school №6 in the city of Zharkent. Was in the junior volleyball team. In 2010, secondary school №141 was transferred in the city of Almaty. became an active participant in school life: she was a young police assistant, head of the organization «Zhas Ulan». She also participated in the Olympiads, where she won prizes. In 2015, she won 1st place at the poetry evening of M. Makatayev «Sogady zhurek». In 2016 she graduated from school with excellent marks. In the same year she entered the Kazakh-German University (KGU) with a degree in Finance. She joined the student council «StuRa», to this day she actively participates in the life of the university: she was a volunteer and presenter at various events, was interested in scientific projects. Thanks to this, I wrote more than 10 works with my own hand. Already in 2016, two works were written: «The origin and essence of money» and «Development of the monetary system of the Republic of Kazakhstan». In 2017, a research paper was written on the topic: «The attitude of the population to state taxes of the Republic of Kazakhstan». In 2018, she took part in the annual student round table with the report «Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018». Participated in the intellectual game «Stock Simulator» and received a certificate of active participant. In the same year, she raised her level of German (B1.1) and received a certificate from the language center. Knowledge of 5 languages ​​(Kazakh (native), Russian, English (Advance), German (B1.1) and Turkish) will open new roads and move forward. Purpose: in the future, as an economist (financier) at the international level, to raise and develop the country’s economy. At the moment she is a 3rd year student of the Kazakh-German University.


Sample applications



University name

Residence address indicating the postal code

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15.09.2021, 16:58:06, Umit Khuangan Categories: News