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At the Karaganda Industrial University the names of the winners of the action have been announced «Get vaccinated against COVID-19 and win a prize!»

[Дата публикации: 23.08.2021, 16:30:24, published by: Әкімшілік]


On August 23, the results of the action «Get vaccinated against COVID-19 and win a prize!» Were summed up on the platform of the official Instagram account of Karaganda Industrial University.  The action started at our university on July 1 of this year.

Students of KarIU, who received vaccinations and sent vaccination passports, could become participants in the action.  The winners were selected by the method of generating random numbers using the automatic system Randomus.

As a result, the names of the winners were announced.

The selection results are published on all official accounts of our university.

1) Holders of fitness bracelets (8 prizes):

– Kudaibergenov Asel Murodkyzy – group UiA-19

– Dumen Duman Romanuly – group M-18k

– Asan Nurdulet Maratuly – McpM-19k group

– Zhetpis ulzhan Bekkalikyzy – group PI-19k-2

–  Turar Shyndalyuly – EPO-20k group

– Saqadi Madi Erlanuly – McpM-19 group

– Khojakhmetov Serzhan Gani ugli – MCM-20 group

2) Owners of wireless headphones (7 prizes)

-Utegul Altynai Seksenkyzy – PIT-20k-4 group

– Matsugina Ekaterina Mikhailovna – MITNM-20 group

– Ablanbek Uldana Sabyrgalikyzy – group PIT-20k-2

– Kuregenova Dilyara Galymzhankyzy – group PIT-20k-3

– Ten Stanislav Leonidovich – group M-18

– Skakov Ruslan Boltaevich – IFOT-19k group

– Popov Kirill Alexandrovich – IFOT-20 group

3) Owners of portable speakers (8 prizes)

– Tulegen A – group IFOT-18K-1

–  Turar Shyndalyuly – EPO-20k group

– Samuratov Nursultan Turarbekovich – ISA-19s group

– Zhien Ayaulym Rysbaykyzy – group PIT-20k-1

– Sagyndyk Ayaulym Nurbolgyzy – group PIT-19K-3

– Aden Aқbөpe Қanyshkyzy – group PIT-20k-1

– Ermakhanbetov Talgat Bauyrzhanovich – group TOP-20s

4) Winners of super-prizes – trips to Nur-Sultan

– Kulikbaeva Zhanar – group PIT-19K-1

– Tuleshova Zamira Galymkyzy – PIT-19K-2 group

– Tursynbay Aida Tәkenkyzy – PIT-19K-1 group

The selection results are published on all official accounts of our university.

Congratulations to the winners of the promotion!

Просмотров: 913
23.08.2021, 16:30:24, Әкімшілік Categories: News