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KarIU hosted an online meeting of the university leadership with students on topical issues – about the importance of vaccination

[Дата публикации: 29.06.2021, 12:44:21, published by: Әкімшілік]


The leadership of the Karaganda Industrial University, headed by the Chairman of the Board – Rector Bolatbek Serikbayevich Abdrasilov, on June 24, 2021 held an online meeting with university students on topical issues of the importance of vaccination.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of vaccination against coronavirus infection COVID – 19. In his speech, Bolatbek Serikbayevich Abdrasilov noted that the coronavirus had not yet been defeated, as evidenced by the increase in the number of cases in many regions and regions of Kazakhstan. The COVID-19 vaccine is a critical tool that, combined with effective testing and existing prevention measures, will help bring the pandemic under control. Increasing the rate of vaccination is a joint task of universities, scientific organizations, and the ministry. It is necessary to organize opportunities for voluntary vaccination and ensure the safety of the educational process and student living in dormitories.

One of the speakers of the online meeting was the Vice-Rector for Strategic Development of KarIU Galina Sivyakova Aleksandrovna, who touched upon the topic of implementing the «Ashyq» project.

«Dear students! The implementation of the «Ashyq» project at the university is additional precautions in the fight against COVID – 19. Participation in this project enables our university to organize the educational process in a traditional format, reduce the number of contacts, and minimize risks during the period of quarantine measures. Access to educational buildings and dormitories for employees, teachers and students of the university will be carried out through registration in the mobile application «Ashyq», in addition, from July 1, 2021, the database of vaccinated persons will also be integrated into the application «Ashyq» » – Galina Aleksandrovna.

At the end of the event, the speakers noted that they had learned to deal with the complications of COVID-19, but there is still no effective cure for the coronavirus itself. This is why vaccination is so important – for all of us, especially teachers and students. We need to return to the previous training mode, i.e. offline mode, open your educational and scientific laboratories for the new academic year. Vaccination has always been an effective way to fight any epidemic, therefore we urge all colleagues and university students to take the vaccine against CVI at the earliest opportunity and start the new school year with the status of «green» in the «Ashyq» application.

Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has forever left its mark on the history of the world and ourselves. But an affordable vaccine will be able to bring it closer to the outcome with much less losses. Better vaccinated than sick. Let’s take care of each other!

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29.06.2021, 12:44:21, Әкімшілік Categories: News