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Industrial practice as the main element of independent work of students of KarIU

[Дата публикации: 05.04.2021, 17:19:18, published by: Әкімшілік]


The educational process at the Karaganda Industrial University is a synthesis of training, practical training and research work of students. And the passage of industrial practice is one of the main elements of the educational process, which is carried out with the aim of consolidating and expanding the knowledge gained by our students in the learning process, as well as acquiring the necessary practical skills to work in their specialty in production conditions and mastering advanced methods of technology and labor.

Students of educational programs of the Department of Technological Machines and Transport undergo compulsory practical training in various institutions in accordance with their specialization. The place of practical training is directly related to the topic of the diploma project.

Ometam and the fact that this kind of practice contributes to the development of students’ independent work. In the process of passing, students learn to independently select and systematize information within the framework of the tasks assigned to them; apply the knowledge gained in practice; study the technology and equipment used in a specific production; develop teamwork skills; exercise self-control.

In the current academic year, the workshops and sections of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, Gordorservice-T LLP and others have been selected as the main practice bases, which have qualified personnel to manage professional practice and are equipped with modern technological and transport equipment. In practice, the student works under double guidance. The head of practice, appointed by the graduating department, helps the student to direct his activities in such a way that the implementation of the diploma project and the writing of an analytical report are ensured. The supervisor, appointed at the place of practice, organizes the student’s participation in the activities of the enterprise, assists him with consultations and in the collection of materials necessary for writing an analytical report. As a result of successful completion of industrial practice, students receive an invitation from the organization for employment.

Просмотров: 718
05.04.2021, 17:19:18, Әкімшілік Categories: News