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New network simulators have been installed in the computer class of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Technologies

[Дата публикации: 29.03.2021, 12:20:17, published by: Әкімшілік]


In the computer classroom of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Technologies of the Karaganda Industrial University, 12 new desktop network simulators «IT-Alem» were installed. The simulators will be used for laboratory and practical exercises in the disciplines «Fundamentals of Network Technologies», «Network Administration», «Fundamentals of Cybersecurity», «Network Security» for students of educational programs «Software Engineering», «Artificial Intelligence Technologies».

Table network simulators «IT-Alem» are used to acquire practical skills in working in an infocommunication environment and to obtain various levels of competence in network technologies. The simulator is an individual portable laboratory setup placed at the student’s workplace. It includes a model of a computer network, consisting of a client and server parts with software, as well as a router, which interact with each other using packet switching technology.

The software installed on the «IT-Alem» simulators allows you to carry out a number of laboratory work, including on such topics as «Studying transmitted information in an IP network», «Studying OSI layers», «Adding a PC to a network manually mode (static addressing) », «Adding a PC to the network in automatic mode » etc.

The relevance and timeliness of using these simulators in the educational process is confirmed by the need to develop the skills of safe working in the network, which are in demand in the context of widespread digitalization.

Просмотров: 613
29.03.2021, 12:20:17, Әкімшілік Categories: News