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[Дата публикации: 19.02.2021, 11:47:00, published by: Әкімшілік]


We all know that debate is primarily an intellectual game, which is a special form of discussion where the rules are strictly followed. Debates develop critical and logical thinking, develop communication culture and public speaking skills, prepare for independent decision-making, and contribute to the formation of individuals as future leaders of society.

The main characteristic of the debate is the existence of rules that ensure the collision of opposing points of view. It is necessary not only to make speeches, but also to parry the arguments of the other side, compare your position with the position of your opponents and, thus, convince the judge of your superiority.

Today, debates have begun to take place in schools and universities around the world and are one of the most popular youth activities in Kazakhstan.

The essence of the debate is to convince a neutral third party, the judges, that your arguments are better than those of your opponent. While the essence is simple, the strategies and techniques to achieve the desired result can be complex.

At the Republican level, there are basic formats of debating: Karl Popper format, American – Parliamentary format, British – Parliamentary format, Lincoln-Douglas format.

The main tasks of our debate club:

– the formation of an active citizenship of students of a higher educational institution;

-Training in public speaking and the rules of discussion;

-training to diplomatically resolve controversial situations;

-training to defend your own point of view;

-spiritual and moral development, continuity of knowledge and education of patriotism of a new generation of student youth;

-revealing new ideas for the implementation of state youth policy and priority state programs.

Our club has always been famous for an active lifestyle, in which it is appropriate to alternate intellectual hobby with cultural recreation. This condition predisposes to comfortable communication and readiness to conquer new heights, and overcome difficulties. Perhaps, therefore, it is not surprising that every year our debate club “Abadan” replenishes its ranks with energetic and proactive residents.

As part of the development of the debate movement, Our team is represented by the following strongest university debaters:

Zhumuli Nurikamal – senior group MB-18k

Abdirakh Nazerke – station group TPP-19k

Bederov Alikhan – station group MPPT-17k

Rakhymzhan Omirzhol – station group M-16k

Tuzhikov Onysbek – st.gr. S-17k

Abay Karakuz – station group TPP-19k

who can make a real performance out of debates and annually prove their oratory skills at the regional and republican levels!

We invite everyone!

Photo from the archive of the press service of the KarIU

Просмотров: 703
19.02.2021, 11:47:00, Әкімшілік Categories: News