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[Дата публикации: 11.01.2021, 17:55:41, published by: Әкімшілік]


On December 11, 2020, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, together with the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty and the republican project office «Sanaly urpaq», held an international on-line Olympiad on the subject «Legal bases of anti-corruption» among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign universities.

The goal of the Olympiad is to foster an active citizenship of students in order to counter corruption, form and develop integrity, identify and support the most talented and gifted students.

The Olympiad was held in two rounds: in the first round, students answered 60 test questions on the platform www.online.test.kaznu.kz,  in the second round there was a video file of a scientific project on the topic «Formation and development of the principles of integrity as a basis for combating corruption.» Out of 290 participants from 24 Kazakhstani and foreign universities, 251 participants successfully passed the first stage, of which 194 participants went to the second round. It should be noted that members of the student club «Sanaly Urpak» of Karaganda Industrial University, students of the MITNM-19k group Ibraevs Adina and Amina, group PGS-19k Sagtapbergen Arman, group ISA-19k Abduuli Ramazan and group ISA-19 ​​passed the 1st round Danil Romanov.

According to the results of the second round in the nomination «For originality» the winner was a member of the student club «Sanaly Urpak» KarIU, student of the ISA-19 ​​group Romanov Danil.

Participants from our university for the Olympiad on theoretical issues were prepared by senior teachers of the department «History of Kazakhstan, social and humanitarian disciplines» Cherkashin VG and Soltan M., the head of the scientific project is the dean of the «School of Integrity», M.G. Kapasheva Zh.K.

The victory of our students is of particular importance, since students of law faculties of universities in our country and foreign universities fought for the title of the best.

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11.01.2021, 17:55:41, Әкімшілік Categories: News