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In November 2020, the university held the “Best Employee of the Month” competition for the first time.

[Дата публикации: 11.12.2020, 12:35:11, published by: Әкімшілік]


In November 2020, the university held the “Best Employee of the Month” competition for the first time. According to the results of the competition, the commission selected the best employees of the university, according to the submissions for the participants in the competition.

For the best employees of the month at the university, an order was issued by the acting Chairman of the Board-Rector for rewarding with the “Rector’s Certificate”, followed by posting photos of employees on the university website.

The winners are:

– Spichak Ekaterina Vladimirovna – senior lecturer of the TII department;

– Titova Zhanna Ivanovna – senior lecturer of the TII department;

– Coward Alla Borisovna – Senior Lecturer of the Department of IK, SGDiFV;

– Popova Nina Evgenievna – head of the sector for social and cultural work of the FERiMP;

– Gmyrya Maria Zafarovna – a specialist in the education sector of the organization and monitoring of the educational process of the DAP;

– Birlikova Akniet Satybaldievna – senior foreman of the department of CT&E;

– Shamaeva Tatiana Viktorovna – librarian;

– Mazhkenova Ayauzhan Aubakirovna – foreman of the repair and construction brigade;

– Karabaeva Saniya Sultanovna – plasterer-painter.

Gmyrya Maria Zafarovna

Birlikova Akniet Satybaldievna

Popova Nina Evgenievna

Titova Zhanna Ivanovna

Spichak Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Shamaeva Tatiana Viktorovna

Trus Alla Borisovna

Karabaeva Saniya Sultanovna

Mazhkenova Ayauzhan Aubakirovna

Просмотров: 10,518
11.12.2020, 12:35:11, Әкімшілік Categories: News