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The traditional International scientific and methodological conference “ARCHITECTONICS OF EDUCATIONAL SPACE: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES” dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in KarIU.

[Дата публикации: 04.12.2020, 17:26:35, published by: Әкімшілік]


On December 4, 2020, the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Architectonics of the Educational Space: Trends and Challenges” dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held online at the Karaganda Industrial University.

The conference was attended by the teaching staff of universities, teachers of schools and colleges, leading analysts and practitioners in the field of metallurgical and related industries, digital technologies, entrepreneurship of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

The conference program included more than 90 reports on topical problems of the modern education system.

A series of speeches were devoted to trends and current challenges in digitalization and transformation of education, the tasks of modern anti-corruption policy, promoting the ideology of integrity, and developing entrepreneurial education.

The plenary session was opened by the rector of the Karaganda Industrial University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich

Further, a welcoming word was given to the guests:

  • Seilov Shakhmaran Zhursinbekovich – President of the Kazakh Academy of Infocommunications, candidate of technical sciences, doctor of economic sciences;
  • Arykbaev Ravil Karimovich – Director of the Institute of Economics, Professor of the Department of Agrobiotechnology, Engineering and Agribusiness of Astrakhan State University, Doctor of Economics;
  • Toleshov Asylbek Kuantaevich – Associate Professor of the Department of Technosphere Safety, National Research Technological University MISiS, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
  • Orazuly Aziz – director of the branch in the city of Temirtau of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region.

After welcoming words at the plenary session of the conference, the following speakers spoke

  • Head of the Republican Project Office “SANALY URPAQ” – Tokushev Kaiyrzhan Akhmetbekovich with a report on the current topic: “Formation of anti-corruption culture as a factor in fostering intolerance to corruption in universities”;
  • Member of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, freelance adviser to the Akim of the Karaganda region on the implementation of the Rukhani Zhagyru program – Bekzat Komarovich Altynbekov with a report “Ulttyk sana zhane ruhani zhagyru” (“National consciousness and spiritual revival”).

The report “Pedagogical design and new technologies in teaching. From personal experience ”of the senior lecturer of the“ Construction ”department of the Karaganda Industrial University Suchilina Tatyana Petrovna, who presented her author’s development of a modern video laboratory in the direction of“ Construction ”.

After the plenary session, the conference continued in the following focus groups:

  1. Implementation of distance learning technologies: adaptation to a new reality.
  2. The digital future of metallurgy – methods and approaches to personnel training.
  3. Entrepreneurial education as a driver of the labor market and sustainable economic growth.
  4. Integrity as a mechanism for developing a culture of intolerance to corruption.
  5. Creativity of Abai is the spiritual core of our people.

According to the established tradition, the annual conference of KarIU is a successful dialogue platform for the interaction of the university community, employers and business partners in transforming the educational space into a space for transforming sociocultural relations. Once again, she brought together the best representatives of the professional, scientific and business community to discuss topical issues of open, online education and digital innovation.

The conference was held in a constructive and businesslike atmosphere. The problem of student involvement in the learning process in the digital age was discussed. All reports presented at the conference were relevant, saturated with problematic material and are of interest for improving the quality of training specialists in modern universities. More than 150 people from universities in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the conference.

The conference participants note that the modern period is characterized by the transformation of the entire educational system, the transition to new standards of general, professional, higher and postgraduate education. Guided by the high ideals of the development of education and science, realizing the role and importance of universities in society, the conference participants consider it necessary to include the following in the resolution:

  1. To note the high level of reports, which provide a deep analysis of the current state of the educational process, as well as a forecast of its development for the coming years.
  2. Continue the study and generalization of domestic and foreign experience aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of modern Kazakhstani education, improving its technologies and content.
  3. To improve the competitiveness of universities based on human development.
  4. To improve distance learning technologies; develop effective forms of interaction between higher education institutions and employers.
  5. To continue modernizing entrepreneurial education and its professional and scientific foundations in the context of global trends in the development of higher education.
  6. Continue work on reorienting the vocational education system towards the formation of competencies in demand in the labor market.
  7. Develop constructive recommendations as preconditions for the implementation of a new cultural identity based on the fundamental openness of the worldview of its carriers.
  8. Continue work on training specialists with a developed methodological, research, computer and innovation culture.
  9. To summarize the successful practices of the Kazakhstani educational community in matters of academic integrity and honesty and actively use them in all areas of the educational process: educational, scientific, educational.
  10. To note the need for closer interaction between the university community, employers and representatives of the business community in the course of training specialists in the field of information technology.
  11. In order to develop and improve the legal literacy of youth in student clubs in the region, a proposal was made to organize “Online schools” for student clubs in the region. To attract lecturers from law universities as tutors for Online Schools.

Following the results of the conference, the following best reports were awarded:

– “Project for the application of the unesco recommendations on the formation of ICT – competence of the teaching staff of the Karaganda Industrial University” – authors: Gelmanova Z.S., Aldabaeva A.E., Petrovskaya A.S., Omarova N .M., Latypova M.A., Toleshov A.K .;

– “Social entrepreneurship as an integral part of entrepreneurial education” – authors: Chepelyan LV, Fet EP;

– “Multitasking: how to exceed” – authors: Nurseitova GB, Turgumbaeva GT, Bykadorov SA, Nurseitov BN;

– “Remote education. Advantages and disadvantages “- author: A. Zhumabekova;

– “Analysis of the peculiarities of the process of political socialization of Kazakhstani student youth” – author: TM Nurgaliev;

– “The implementation of distance learning technologies in the period of COVID-19: its outcomes and prospects for the Kazakhstan educational system” – author: K. Bayasilova;

– “Kazakh society of the second half of the XIX century: a social portrait in the“ Words of Edification ”by Abai” – authors: Kabdiy N.Ғ., Soltan MS;

– “Abai takylymy student of zhastardi ruhani parasattylyga turbieleudin bastau kuzi” – authors: Amanzhol I.A., Khapparova T.S., Sultanov A.K .;

– “The legacy of Abai is the spiritual core of our people” – author: Zhandildina S.A .;

– “Formation of anti-corruption culture in the Republic of Kazakhstan” – author: AI Suleimenova;

– “Kazakhstan Respublikasynda sybailas zhemkorlyka karsy sayasatty iske asyru museleleri” – author: Sarbasov BA, Orynbekov AS;

– “Integrity as the most important factor in combating corruption” – author: VG Cherkashin;

– “Anti-corruption measures in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Askarov B .;

– “Materialdardy Kysymmen Adeude Kashyktyktan ogytu tekhnologolaryn қoldanu erekshelikterі” – author: Ashkeev Zh.A .;

– “Methodology for modeling the process of sheet stamping of a thin workpiece” – author: Panin E.A .;

– “The future of metallurgy belongs to digital specialists” – author: A. Utemuratova

Summing up, it can be noted that the held scientific and methodological conference is of great importance for educational institutions and industry because it will be a reference point for the formation of personnel – the future of our country.

Once again, on behalf of the organizers of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Architectonics of the Educational Space: Trends and Challenges” dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we thank everyone for their active participation in the conference, and also wish you success, health and prosperity!

Press service of KARIU

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04.12.2020, 17:26:35, Әкімшілік Categories: News