SJSC “Karaganda Industrial University” announces a competition for filling vacancies in the teaching staff
[Дата публикации: 14.12.2020, 14:41:34, published by: Әкімшілік]
Location of the organization: 30 Republic Ave., Temirtau, 101400, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Name of vacant positions: – head of the Department – 1 rate (Department of M&M);
The estimated salary is 180,000-200,000 thousand tenge.
Brief description of the job responsibilities of the head of the Department
Carries out planning, organization and control of educational and methodical work at the Department; participates in research work; conducts all types of training sessions, manages course and diploma projects and research work of undergraduates And PhD students; develops work programs for taught disciplines at the Department; develops methodological support for supervised disciplines; participates in professional development and provides methodological assistance to novice teachers in mastering teaching skills and professional qualities; organizes and engages in professional orientation with graduates of schools, colleges and universities on the University’s specialization; participates in the promotion of scientific and technical, socio-humanitarian, economic and legal knowledge; takes part in the educational work of students; forms and submits the necessary reporting information to the management; ensures the preparation and storage of all types of documentation and reports of the Department; monitors the implementation by students and employees of the Department of labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, etc.
Qualification requirements for the position of head of the Department:
- Availability of higher education;
- academic degree or academic degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD)/on the profile;
- The presence of scientific and pedagogical experience in the specialty for at least 5 years;
- Availability of one of the forms of professional development in pedagogical competencies (in the amount of at least 36 hours) over the past five years.
The list of required documents for participation in the competition;
– resume in state, Russian and English languages with photos;
– application addressed to the Chairman of the Management Board-Rector;
– a copy of the identity card (passport);
– a personal form of accounting personnel;
– copies of documents on education, qualifications, availability of special knowledge or professional training, award of academic degrees and academic titles, notarized;
– certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record, issued in accordance with the established procedure;
– document on passing the preliminary medical examination;
– certificate of the drug treatment organization that the contestant is not registered;
– certificate of the psychoneurological organization that the contestant is not registered as a recommendation from the last place of work;
– presentation of disciplines, Department development programs(in electronic form, no more than 10 slides);
– additional information related to education, work experience, professional level (recommendations from the management from the previous job, etc.).
Documents are accepted within 10 calendar days from the date of publication of the ad at:
Temirtau, Republic Ave., 30 Department of human resources (office no. 221).or by email Phone number for inquiries: 8(7213)91-02-40
Karaganda industrial University provides highly qualified specialists with apartments.
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