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[Дата публикации: 16.12.2020, 15:14:42, published by: Әкімшілік]


Today, a traditional online lesson of integrity on the topic “The Moral heritage of Saken” was held, dedicated to the spiritual and moral heritage of Saken Seifullin, whose life and work are imbued with the principles of justice and honesty.

Saken Seifullin is a statesman and politician, poet and writer, one of the founders of modern Kazakh literature. he belongs to the galaxy of kazakh figures who gave their lives for the revival and prosperity of the kazakh nation.

One of the distinctive qualities of Saken Seifullin’s all-round personality is his dedication to the education and science of the younger generation. During his presidency of the Council of People’s Commissars, he was the first to initiate the idea of providing scholarships to young students, noting that ” Kazakh youth should study in the best educational institutions in the world.”

He considered it his duty to do everything possible to help the younger generation. “if you do not help in your studies, in your work, in your creativity, the fate of the next generation will be on your conscience,” these words show his high level of intelligence.

The main idea of his poetry is the knowledge of the value and loyalty of friendship. The poet, who deeply valued true friendship, praises honesty and writes about friendship as a human treasure.

The personality of S. Seifullin occupies a special place in the promotion of patriotism and love for his Homeland, the ability to overcome any difficulties to achieve the goal.
by his honesty, kindness and impartiality, by his work and art, he retained the honorary title of a real person-a teacher of generations.
today, the youth of kazakhstan learned about the life values of a great personality during the online “hour of integrity”.

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16.12.2020, 15:14:42, Әкімшілік Categories: News