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KarIU volunteers received letters of thanks from the Financial Center JSC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

[Дата публикации: 16.11.2020, 14:30:23, published by: Әкімшілік]


For the contribution of youth to the development of the volunteer movement within the framework of the project «Social student voucher», dedicated to the International Volunteer Day, students-volunteers of the Karaganda Industrial University Khaitova Navruza Sayfullaevna, Ibraeva Amina Aitzhanovna and Ibraeva Adina Aitzhanovna were awarded letters of thanks from the Financial Center JSC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Note that, within the framework of the Year of the Volunteer in Kazakhstan, special attention is paid to the social activity of youth. The main task is to create conditions for the widest possible involvement of our young citizens in social activities and, of course, ensuring their successful socialization and integration into society. To solve this problem, the republican project «Social student loan» was developed, the concept of which is based on attracting student youth to engage in socially oriented activities.

Within the framework of the «Social Student Loan» project, university students can receive monetary rewards from the state and transfer academic loans for the results of socially useful work Students are provided with the following types of social student loans: credit for 20 thousand tenge for 20 hours of activity; credit for 50 thousand tenge for 50 hours of activity. Students as volunteers can provide assistance in orphanages, nursing homes, educational and other social institutions. Undoubtedly, the Year of Volunteering gives a new round to the development of the volunteer movement in our country. This is a great victory for all those who have been working in various areas of volunteering for many years. Providing assistance to neighbors and those in need has been a distinctive feature of our national culture from time immemorial. It is gratifying that hundreds of social projects are being implemented in this direction in Kazakhstan. Support for the volunteer movement at the state level is an impetus for new volunteer initiatives.

Просмотров: 822
16.11.2020, 14:30:23, Әкімшілік Categories: News