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K.K. Tokayev

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[Дата публикации: 23.10.2020, 16:33:16, published by: Әкімшілік]


The 2020 calendar is rich in dates, anniversaries, and events from the life of humanity. But there are special dates that you just don’t want to pass by and names that will never be forgotten. These include the name of the great Ybray Altynsarin.

As part of expanding the horizons of students ‘ knowledge about the culture of the Kazakh people, as well as expanding the idea of the creative personality of Ybray Altynsarin as a Kazakh educator, writer, folklorist, public figure and ethnographer, on October 23, 2020, Karaganda industrial University hosted a literary and historical event «On the pages of fate for the 180th anniversary of Ybray Altynsarin», dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the great educator.  The event was organized and held by the Department «Assembly of people of Kazakhstan» of KarIU under the leadership of the head of The Department Zhanabergenova Dinara Kenesovna. 

The main goal of the event is to foster a historical worldview, a sense of pride in your country and the culture of your people.

«Ybray Altynsarin is the first Apostle of national education in Kazakhstan. Dozens, hundreds of less well-known but less bright spiritual teachers who Express the spirit of the Kazakh people in their personal destinies are waiting for their researchers who will convey to the broad Kazakh strata the deeds of their ancestors to strengthen the Kazakh identity» – said the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Director of KSI «Kogamdyk kelisim» of the office of the akim of Karaganda region: Bekmurzaev Bakhtiar Pernalievich addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech.

Participants of the event made presentations about the life and creative heritage of the teacher, read his poems by heart.

During the event, respondents noted the huge role of Ybray Altynsarin in the development of education. Seized with a high desire to bring as much benefit to his native people as possible, Ybray Altynsarin from childhood dreamed of doing pedagogical work, in which he saw his vocation. His literary heritage of works is exclusively not descriptive, but clearly expressed educational character in the spirit of the ideas of enlightenment and patriotism. All the works of Ybray Altynsarin, translations are available to every reader, rare archival works are published, and the younger generation gratefully studied the work of the talented poet and translator.

Summing up the event, the participants highlighted some of the main points of Altynsarin’s educational activities: Russian-Kyrgyz vocational schools, one women’s school, five volost schools, and two schools for children of a Russian village were opened in Torgay! He makes Kazakh alphabet based on Russian graphics, the author of two textbooks for Russian-Kazakh schools. «Kyrgyz anthology», which was published in 1879, had an educational function for children of Kazakhs, because they got acquainted with geography and world history through it.

Altynsarin is not only a teacher, educator, public figure, but also a scientist, ethnographer and writer. Shaking off-road from village to village, along with the solution of his educational tasks, he is concerned about how to preserve all the charm and richness of the traditions and rituals of his people. And he writes, for example, essays about wedding ceremonies, systematizes samples of Kazakh oral art. His word: «The teaching will give you happiness, it will Shine like a light» will be relevant at all times, and how we want you, young people, to understand the deep meaning of the great teacher’s Testament as quickly as possible.

Such meetings help students to learn more about the history of the pedagogical heritage of Ybray Altynsarin, who left an indelible mark on the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and still remains a role model for the younger generation. Every nation is rightfully proud of its politicians, public figures, poets and writers. In modern Kazakhstan, the memory of Ybray Altynsarin, who devoted his entire adult life to eliminating illiteracy, and introducing the Kazakh people to the values of Russian and world culture, is especially honored.

At the end of the event, the participants were shown a film about the great teacher Y. Altynsarin «Secrets and destinies of the great Kazakhs»

Press service of KarIU

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23.10.2020, 16:33:16, Әкімшілік Categories: News