“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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[Дата публикации: 14.10.2020, 16:17:39, published by: Әкімшілік]


In order to stimulate young people to self-study the history of the native land, identify and support talented young people, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences for social order management of public development in Almaty is holding a competition for essays among schoolchildren of senior classes, students of universities and colleges on the topic “Táýelsizdık dáýiri”.

To participate in the competition, it is necessary to send an application (template for inclusion) and an essay on the topic: “Táýelsizdik dáýiri” to the specified email address: konkursesse80@mail.ru

The application will be submitted until 10th of November.

All participants of the competition will receive certificates.

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14.10.2020, 16:17:39, Әкімшілік Categories: News