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[Дата публикации: 30.09.2020, 14:27:45, published by: Әкімшілік]





National innovation research center «Bilim-orkenieti» announces the start of accepting documents for the second edition of the book collection of young scientists «BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST-2020» within the framework of the Republican project «Best teacher» in support of young scientists of the country!

We invite to the competition PhD students, undergraduates, senior teachers, teachers, young specialists of educational institutions!

Condition of competition: Contestants must submit an autobiography of no more than 2 pages (14 size, Times New Roman) (in the third person); (14 points, Times New Roman) (third person); copies of achievements for the last 3 years (diploma, certificate, letter of commendation, certificates of honor); a list of scientific papers and a copy of one scientific article, as well as a drawing in 3\4 format, high-quality photos of the workflow 6 pieces.

Documents must be sent to the following email address uzdik2019@mail.ru until October 15, 2020. Entries are accepted in one of 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian, English). The application must specify the address of residence (in case of no-show at the final conference, the Republican book collection, diploma, badge, certificates, certificates will be sent to the specified address). The book collection includes biographies and photos of Teachers of higher education institutions and colleges of the Republic.

Inclusion in the collection is carried out on a competitive basis. Participants of the project will be awarded a color book collection with young scientists «BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST-2020», a badge «BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST-2020», a certificate, a Republican diploma of the I, II, III degree, a letter of thanks to scientific supervisors. The presentation and award ceremony of the collection will take place in the Form of a conference in October 2020 in Nur-Sultan, in the house of Ministries. Young scientists included in the collection are invited to the presentation of the book. The program of the final conference will be sent to selected young scientists in October. During the conference, badges from the hands of famous personalities of our country will be awarded!


There’s an organizational fee. Information about the payment will be sent to your email address in the form of additional information reviewed within 3 (three) days after you submit your documents to the collection and in case of a decision on acceptance to the collection.

Website of the organizational committee http://biork.kz/

Instagram page: bilim_orkeniety

Additional information about the project can be obtained by phone:

8 707 142 74 40

8 707 477 50 94

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30.09.2020, 14:27:45, Әкімшілік Categories: News