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[Дата публикации: 08.04.2020, 13:43:36, published by: Әкімшілік]


In a difficult period for our country, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev, addressed the people of the country.

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the usual way of life of Kazakhstanis, and the whole world is now experiencing tremendous consequences from this disease. Impressed by the fact that Nursultan Nazarbayev appeals to all citizens of Kazakhstan openly and without cuts. Elbasy is always with his people: both in moments of success and in the most difficult times. Over the years of independence, our country has reached unprecedented heights under the leadership of Elbasy, and we are recognized all over the world.

Thanks to his wise policy, Kazakhstan overcame the difficult path of becoming independent, and the issues of social protection of Kazakhstanis in the post-crisis period of 2008 were resolved in the shortest possible time.

Today, our country has more opportunities to bear the consequences of the pandemic. The country’s leadership decided to allocate 10 billion dollars from the National Fund, created on behalf of the President, and the government’s reserve to support the domestic economy.

It should be noted that on the initiative of N. A. Nazarbayev, the «BIZ BIRGEMIZ!» campaign is being held throughout the country, aimed at supporting representatives of socially vulnerable categories of the population. This action was supported by the «Nur Otan» party, thousands of families of Kazakhstanis were supported in all regions. Our University, the Alma mater of the First President N. A. Nazarbayev, also supported this action and provided assistance to veterans of the University.

In this difficult period, we call on everyone not to lose heart, to unite and only then can we overcome everything.

As our Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev said: «A person’s self-belief is a great power. It gives our character firmness, our body physical strength, and our heart confidence.»

Thanks to our firm will and unshakable faith in our own strength, we will be able to overcome all the difficulties of the crisis period.

Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich

rector of Karaganda State Industrial University

At a difficult time for our country, when the coronavirus pandemic has made significant changes in the life of every citizen of Kazakhstan, our Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev addressed the people with the article «When we are United, we are invincible» in connection with the coronavirus pandemic and the global economic crisis.

The address of Nursultan Abishevich carries a great creative charge aimed at supporting the people of Kazakhstan. This once again proves that Elbasy  and always remains with the people. Thanks to the efforts of Elbasy, our state has created the necessary safety margin over the years of independence, which will now allow us to safely overcome the consequences of the global crisis.

Nursultan Abishevich noted that all these years our country has developed and reached heights thanks to friendship and solidarity. Only peace and harmony allowed our country to be established as a globally recognized stable state with a strong economy.

Today, it is important, as the head of State noted , that no person, no citizen of our country is left without support. At the government level, all measures have been taken to ensure social protection of Kazakhstanis, and conditions have been created for entrepreneurs who are experiencing difficulties during the pandemic.

During this period, the most important task for all of us is to preserve our health, the health of our relatives and friends. Only by caring for our loved ones, thanks to our unity, can we survive in the fight against this disease.

As noted by Nursultan Abishevich: «We are together. Without bending before difficulties, we will preserve our unity and harmony. Only then can we maintain our independence and be worthy of our great goal «Mangilik El».

Aykeeva Altyn Amanzholovna
Vice-rector for science, innovation and
international cooperation
of Karaganda State Industrial University

After reading the article of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy «When we are United – we are invincible» from 08.04.2020, we can note that today on the threshold of the XXI century, when the situation in the world is extremely unstable, due to the current situation around the world. The state has carried out and is carrying out a number of measures to combat the pandemic in a timely manner.

Thanks to the peaceful policy of our state with its near and far neighbors, we have sealed our union, which indicates the right decision then and now. The entire planet is facing a new economic crisis, which has led to sad consequences. Kazakhstan did not stand still, accepted the challenge and implemented the third technological modernization , all this indicates the correctness of the ongoing reforms, both in agriculture and in other areas of the economy.

A special role is assigned to the health sector, and the entire burden has fallen on their shoulders. According to the program «Salamatty Kazakhstan», a number of hospitals and clinics of modern level, the largest scientific and medical centers equipped with the most advanced equipment and qualified doctors were built.

«Don’t panic!»- said the head of state. Together we will overcome all obstacles on our way, strict discipline and organization will help us in this! We have the national fund and the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserve, and we will not walk with our hand outstretched! No one will be left without attention! Everyone will be helped! Members of the « Nur Otan party», together with the Government and local executive bodies, will work to provide assistance to all vulnerable segments of the population.

Everyone should understand that they are responsible for their health, their relatives and friends, because «healthy nation is a healthy state!» We must not forget about the moral qualities of a person: the nobility of the soul, respect for the elders, care for the younger, the elderly, the poor, the many children, the disabled, the disabled. We need to learn life lessons from everything! After all, everything in life is interconnected! Give a helping hand to your loved one! We will overcome any difficulties if we are together! We will fight against moping, apathy and anxiety! Fear will not stop us!

Elbasy rightly noted that «Unity of the people!» is the foundation of our independence and stability! The younger generation will not be left without attention, because they are the future of the country! The future of Kazakhstan is built by the young generation – the main priority of state policy. Our entrepreneurs will respond to help! After all, in a difficult moment, they were not left without help.

Well-being and good is a principle for every citizen of Kazakhstan! The health of the nation and the security of the state, that is what is important for the state! Only together we will preserve unity and harmony! Together-we are power!!!

Zhanabergenova Dinara Kenesovna,
Karaganda State Industrial University,
senior lecturer of the Department of «History of Kazakhstan,
social and humanitarian disciplines and physical education»,
master of Arts.

After carefully reading the article of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev «When we are united – we are invincible», in which he addresses the people of Kazakhstan, I would like to note that Nursultan Abishevich calls people to self-control and composure. That in this difficult and difficult time, people should not be subjected to panic. The coronavirus pandemic has engulfed all of humanity, but all states of the world have united to fight it. They combine all their efforts in the search for a vaccine against this dangerous disease and actively cooperate, subordinating all the advanced achievements of modern science and technology to a common goal.

Kazakhstan was one of the first countries to start fighting the pandemic.

Thanks to a well-designed system of preventive measures, as well as special training of the relevant authorities.

All the ways of development and spread of the pandemic in foreign countries were studied. The situation with coronavirus in our country is taken under round-the-clock control. The only thing that is required from the people of Kazakhstan is to provide nationwide and universal support for all these good measures. Do not give in to provocations and panic, and beware of these populist and inflammatory conversations.

As Elbasy noted, in the winged words of the legendary commander Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: «Discipline-the basis of citizenship and the science of how not to get into slavery» («Tartipsiz el bolmaydy, tartipke bas igen el kul bolmaydy»). From the citizens of Kazakhstan, only calmness, patience and self-control are required. One of the indicators, today, is the example of neighboring China: thanks to the organization and iron discipline, they were able to curb the infection.

The entire address of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is dedicated to caring for the citizens of our country: issues of medical care, provision and protection of socially vulnerable segments of the population and children, people in difficult situations, and much more that concerns each of us.

I believe that the appeal of the First President will find a response in the hearts and minds of the country’s citizens, and Kazakhstan will soon come out of this situation with dignity.

Together- WE ARE POWER!

Deputy dean of the faculty
«Economy and construction»,
master of Economics,
senior lecturer of the department
«Management and business»
Karaganda State Industrial University
Nurgalieva Asel Kazhatovna

I’ ve  read with great interest the article of the First President of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev «When we are united – we are invincible».

In his article, N. A. Nazarbayev addressed all Kazakhstanis in a difficult period throughout the world and our country, when the coronavirus pandemic threatens the health of all mankind and, as a result, the world economic crisis has broken out.

The article carries a great creative impulse aimed at the full support of all Kazakhstanis.

The current situation is revealed very accurately, and most importantly, the ways in which it is possible to achieve stabilization of the economy, strengthen calm and harmony in the country are indicated.

Kazakhstan was among the first States to join the fight against the pandemic.

We, teachers and students of KSIU, take an active part in organized work during this difficult time. Our university successfully operates online training. We need to use all our experience to transfer knowledge to students, engage in self-education and enlightenment.

Volunteers participate in carrying out of actions on rendering assistance to families with children, the disabled and other particularly needy groups of the population. All those in need are given food baskets, sanitary products, organized sewing and distribution of masks.

I believe that any assistance provided is a manifestation of good will and patriotism.

Each of us must maintain discipline and organization in this difficult time.

We, the intellectuals must lead by example, primarily young people, in matters of unity, a healthy lifestyle, good deeds, striving to be first in work and study.

Professor of the department «Technological machines and transport»,
candidate of technical sciences Bestembek Yerbol Serikovich.

The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed the people of Kazakhstan in a difficult period. His appeal supports the spirit of Kazakhstanis as never before.

Right now, a common problem in the world is the coronavirus pandemic, which threatens all of humanity. Many countries of the world, despite their differences in policy, have decided to join forces in the fight against this pandemic, which has stopped the normal functioning of almost all businesses in the world.

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has taken a number of precautionary measures, introduced a state of emergency, and quarantined many regions of Kazakhstan. Despite the difficulties, we are United in our fight against the insidious virus.we need to think that soon the measures taken by the government will bear fruit, the quarantine will be lifted, and we will live a normal life again. Do not give in to panic, you need to support your friend, follow the recommendations of doctors and everything will be fine.

I would like to say that our University did not stand aside during this difficult period. we organized the delivery of food packages to single pensioners as part of the «BIZ BIRGEMIZ» campaign.

We are united. We are together. We will win. We’ll break through!

Tatieva Mayra Maulievna
Professor of the department of Economics and Finance
Karaganda State Industrial University,
candidate of economic sciences

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08.04.2020, 13:43:36, Әкімшілік Categories: News