“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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[Дата публикации: 08.04.2020, 11:52:01, published by: Әкімшілік]




During the years of independence, during the most difficult and critical moments of our country’s life, I always openly discussed any problems with my compatriots and shared my thoughts with my native people. Now, when many States of the world are going through an anxious time, and the health of our nation has been seriously endangered, I call on my fellow citizens to be calm and calm, and I address the people of Kazakhstan with wishes for good and well-being.

The sudden outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic threatens all of humanity. Already, more than 1.4 million people are infected worldwide, and tens of thousands have died. Therefore, the countries of the world are joining their efforts in the search for a vaccine against this dangerous disease and actively cooperate, subordinating all the advanced achievements of modern science and technology to a common goal.

Among all the countries of the world, Kazakhstan was one of the first to join the fight against the pandemic. A system of precautionary measures was implemented. The relevant state bodies have received special training. The course of development and spread of the pandemic in foreign countries was studied. As a result, we have put barriers in its way to the best of our ability, and the situation with the coronavirus has been taken under round-the-clock control. Much has been done to stabilize the situation, and this work continues. We need to provide popular and universal support for all these good measures.

From the first days of independence, taking as a guide the wise idea of Abai that «friendship grows with friendship» («Kimge dostygyn bolsa, dostyk dostyk shaqyrady»), I pursued a policy of friendship, mutual trust and equal partnership with all countries of the world.

This is the main reason why from the very beginning I sought to establish peaceful and friendly relations with my near and far neighbors, finally resolve all issues on the state border, and then initiate the creation of organizations for international cooperation in various formats.

The establishment of such organizations as the Eurasian economic Union, Shanghai cooperation organization, conference on interaction and confidence building measures in Asia, along with carrying out in Kazakhstan of the historic OSCE summit, Astana economic forum and EXPO all this is done in order to establish with the countries of the world relations of friendship and trust, deepen economic cooperation. Life itself and the current situation confirm that our course towards integration and Alliance was the only correct one.

Встревожившая мир пандемия породила новый мировой экономический кризис. Прекратили работу крупнейшие предприятия, сократилось транспортное сообщение. Обвалились цены на нефть. Закрылись на замок границы, замер взаимообмен. Все это ведет к ранее невиданной, огромной по масштабам рецессии, увеличению безработицы.

The pandemic that has alarmed the world has created a new global economic crisis. Major enterprises have stopped working, and transport links have been reduced. Oil prices collapsed. The borders were locked and the interchange was frozen. All this leads to a previously unprecedented, huge-scale recession, an increase in unemployment.

Our homeland – Kazakhstan-is rich in minerals, including oil. If you remember, in the past years I have repeatedly said: «We cannot rely on oil and gas deposits, we must move away from this dependence.» Therefore, having become an independent state, we have started to diversify our economy. To this end, we have developed the strategy «Kazakhstan-2050», and within the framework of the « Accelerated industrial and innovative development» program, we have opened more than 1,000 new enterprises. Thanks to this, we have started to produce products that are competitive on the world market, and new technologies have come to us. This marked the beginning of the third technological modernization in our country.

The territory of Kazakhstan is covered by a network of previously unseen Railways and highways.

As a result of systemic reforms, agriculture received a powerful impetus to development: Kazakhstan not only reliably provided itself with meat, milk and food, but also became one of the six leading countries in the world in terms of grain exports.

Life has proved the correctness of these reforms, which were spent considerable effort and money and which were carried out in order to protect the country from future unforeseen shocks.

The first article of our Constitution States that the highest values of our state  «the person, his life, rights and freedoms”. Therefore, special attention was paid to the development of the healthcare sector. Having adopted the program «Salamatty Kazakhstan», we have built hundreds of hospitals and clinics of modern level. Having created a number of major scientific and medical centers in the capital, equipped with the most advanced technology, we sent their specialists to practice in the most highly developed countries of the world, and also trained them under the «Bolashak»program. The fruit of this foresight is that in an extreme situation like the current one, when the health of the nation is in great danger, our doctors diagnose, treat and prevent infectious and other diseases at a high professional level.

Of course, the situation is not easy. This is a misfortune that is a heavy burden on the shoulders of all the States of the world. But we will certainly overcome this calamity-thanks to the steadfastness of our people, their firm will and unshakable faith in their own strength, which always come to the rescue in the hour of severe trials. To do this, we have everything: finances, material resources, equipment, food supplies. Therefore, there is no reason to fall into confusion and panic.

It is no news to anyone that in times of adversity, those who sow lies, provocations and panic are activated, using it for self-serving purposes. I urge our people to beware of these populist and inflammatory conversations. Because a person who truly cares about the public good, proves his case not by loud statements, but by concrete good deeds. Instead of klikushestvo and gorlopanstvo it is better to engage in self-education and enlightenment.

The current battle encourages us to remember and follow the winged words of the legendary commander Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: «Discipline-the basis of citizenship and the science of how not to get into slavery» («Tartipsiz el bolmaydy, tartipke bas igen el kul bolmaydy»). The example of neighboring China is illustrative: thanks to organization and iron discipline, they managed to curb the infection there.

Today’s Kazakhstan is not the Kazakhstan of the 90s, when the Soviet Union collapsed. In order not to go around the world with an outstretched hand in difficult times, for the sake of the country’s future and new generations, many years ago we created the national Fund and the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserve, which today has accumulated 90 billion us dollars. If you use them wisely and economically, it will allow you to endure the twists of history and the vicissitudes of fate that have befallen us today.

In his address to the people of Kazakhstan, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev informed the society in detail about the measures of assistance that will be provided to all social groups, entrepreneurs and people engaged in agriculture. All this was made possible by the achievements of the national economy and funds, which have already been mentioned above. Yes, there were those who offered to distribute these funds at the time. But the firmness we showed, as we see, was not in vain.

Now the Government and local Executive bodies must efficiently and economically implement everything planned. Each Minister, each head of the region, city and district is charged with the task of acting systematically, disciplined, planned and resolute, to mobilize all forces to get out of the current situation. In this noble cause, members of the Nur Otan party should be at the forefront.

Since the highest values of our state are people and their lives, each of us should take special care and great responsibility for the life and health of ourselves and all our loved ones. Because the health of the nation is a fundamental part of the security of the state.

I believe that at this moment all of us will be helped by such noble qualities of our people as respect for the elders, care for the younger ones.

A person’s self-belief is a great power. It gives our character firmness, our body physical strength, and our heart confidence. Today, it is especially important for us to take care of the most needy – representatives of the older generation, veterans, mothers with many children, the poor, and the disabled. The best qualities of our people, passed down from generation to generation, call for this.

Today, humanity is at crossroads. The uniqueness of the current situation is that these successive problems, which have never before affected so many aspects of geopolitics, economy, ecology, and public life, have now begun to change the format of interstate relations. The words of the great Indian humanist Mahatma Gandhi seem appropriate in this regard: «If you want to change the world, start with yourself. «Just yesterday, States created mutual barriers, entered into sanctions «wars», and now they are extending a helping hand to each other. This is evidence of the beginning of major changes taking place at the global level.

In the world’s history, there have been numerous wars, tense situations and conflicts that have lasted for decades or even centuries. There have been many epidemics that have claimed millions of human lives. Humanity has overcome all this. We will also overcome the current hardships. The world powers need to learn from this difficult situation.

At the time, Aiteke biy said: «The goal of the country and the person is the future. If it was taken care of in advance, then you should not fear for it» («El muraty-koreshek, er muraty- keleshek». Osylardy oilagan – koimas tubi suinbei»). What wonderful words! Right now, we need a new policy that inspires the entire human civilization to develop, not to create obstacles.

Any difficulties encourage a person to find a way out of the impasse, change their thinking, improve their methods of work. This contributes to the development of science and technology, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. We see that there are creative ways of organizing work, and even new types of professions. Now people have started to change the office nature of work to work in a remote format. All this became possible only thanks to the measures planned and thoroughly thought out at the time.

Hard work is tempered by strong spirits, confident people. The poet needs to put aside apathy, anxiety, passivity and at the same time strengthen himself on the way out of the crisis.

According to the wise Tole bi: «Where there is no unity-there is no grace»(«Birlik zhok zere – tirlik zhok»). Does not exist the vertex on which it is possible to cover unity and harmony. We have no goal other than to strengthen our independence, which our ancestors have dreamed of for centuries and which we have achieved in 30 years. Kazakhstan is our great common home, where we live in peace, friendship and harmony. Our diversity is wealth and excellence in a competitive and global world. The source of all our achievements over the years of independence is the unity of our people. The God preserves our unity and well-being.

First of all, I appeal to the representatives of the older generation and the intelligentsia: call the people to unity, good, good, healthy lifestyle. Remember the wisdom: «The beginning of happiness is consent («Yrys aldy-yntymak»). Educate young people so that they strive to be the first in work and study.

I want to say to the younger generation: next year, the same age as our independence will be 30 years old. They are the most energetic part of society. The older generation did everything possible for you to come and show your strength and abilities. Strive to do better, be far from bad thoughts and illogical actions. Show respect for your elders, take care of your younger ones, and be friends and friends. Never forget about the edification of Abai: «If in the middle rear you can see each other, useless all thy works»(«Birindi qazaq birin dos, kormesen istin bari bos»).

I appeal to entrepreneurs: thanks to your independence, you have created your own business and become wealthy. Now it’s your turn to ask the question: «What can I give my country?»

At my request, entrepreneurs help their compatriots by providing financial and material assistance. I hope that this good cause will continue.

Prosperity and goodness reside where there is a continuity of generations and traditions. This sacred principle should be in the heart and soul of every citizen of Kazakhstan.

I had the great happiness to lead a nation that never lost its dignity in the most difficult times, and was always distinguished by its unity, kindness, cordiality, and responsiveness. Therefore, in this difficult situation, I express my gratitude to all my wise and generous people.

During the years of independence, we have experienced many difficulties and crises. I have always spoken openly and clearly about all this. You have placed great trust in me, and it has always given me strength and energy. I am deeply grateful to all of you for this.

National health and state security are inseparable concepts. The state takes all necessary measures to overcome the existing difficulties. No person, no citizen of our country will be left without support.

We are united country, a United people. I have always been with the people. And today I am with you.

We are together. Without bowing to difficulties, we will preserve our unity and harmony. Only then will we be able to maintain our independence and be worthy of our great goal «Mangilik El».

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08.04.2020, 11:52:01, Әкімшілік Categories: News