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[Дата публикации: 23.10.2019, 16:24:21, published by: Әкімшілік]


Student years are the best years in life.  On October 23, 2019 in Karaganda state industrial university the most long-awaited event for each freshman “Dedication to students” took place.

For our university — this is a traditional kind event, which serves as the starting point of the brightest and most unforgettable period in the life of every student, where freshmen are always waiting for pleasant surprises.

Director of educational work and youth policy Salpenova Madina Meiramovna addressed the first-year students with words of farewell, wishing them excellent studies and unforgettable student life.

The hosts Meney Yerkanat and Akimov Zhandos set a great tone and enthusiasm for the event. Their sparkling humor they charged the hall. A storm of emotions caused contests with the audience.

As homework freshmen of all faculties and technical and economic college prepared dance flash mobs. This task showed how our freshmen for 2 months of study have become friendly, cohesive.

Each of their performances caused a storm of applause in the hall. The first-year students of the faculty of “Metallurgy and Mechanical engineering” showed the most massive performance, in which there were many highlights. Students of the “faculty of Economics and Construction” showed a bright performance, proving that strength is not in quantity, but in quality. The freshmen of the technical and economic college were the youngest speakers, but despite this, they showed a very organized, cohesive show. Perhaps, the performance of the faculty of energy, transport and control systems was memorable: the first-year students chose an unusual format, there were many improvisations, even made a film about the history of their admission to our University.

This evening was not without gifts: students of the preparatory department, who came from China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, performed in front of the first-year students with bright concert numbers.

Yesterday’s entrants, first crossing the threshold of a new school for themselves as students with concealed pride and Shine in the eyes tend to quickly become part of the fraternity. Admiring looking after seniors, our freshmen with dignity and honor passed all tests at initiation.

Impressions from the event were the warmest and most joyful. We can say that this is a good start for a new, adult life. But still, the real initiation into student life for most will be a big exam called “the first session.” So after the initiation ritual, you should not relax, because in December, at the exams, you will need to answer difficult questions from teachers and solve difficult problems.

We sincerely wish our first-year students new discoveries, of great achievements and hard work. Therefore, taking the baton of knowledge from senior mentors, be ready to learn, learn and learn again! Success!!!!

The press service of  KSIU.

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23.10.2019, 16:24:21, Әкімшілік Categories: News