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[Дата публикации: 28.10.2019, 16:42:34, published by: Әкімшілік]


On October 28, 2019, the university held an open event dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the great poet, novelist, publicist and playwright, a true exponent of people’s thoughts, defender of the interests of the people  of the Kazakh auls Beymbet Zharmagambetovich Maylin.

In 2019 marks exactly 125 years since the birth of the famous writer. Beimbet Maylin is a writer who invested a lot in the birth and formation of Kazakh literature, who made a huge contribution to the dawn of such genres as prose, poetry and drama, with all his heart and soul he sang his native village, native people and land. He also contributed to the formation and development of Kazakh journalism, together with Mukhamedzhan Seralin laid the foundations of the newspaper “Auyl”.

During the event, Deputy Dean of the faculty “metallurgy and mechanical engineering” Shayakhmetova G.A presented a slide presentation that highlighted the life and career of a man of versatile talent, because Beimbet Maylin created original works of almost all genres of literature, which remain relevant today.

To expand knowledge of works of the classic of the Kazakh literature, students read excerpts from prose and poems of B. Maylin. The children noted the amazing creative work of Beimbet Maylin, who published 55 books in the period 1923-1937.

Having lived only 43 years, he managed to write several novels, 10 novels, 15 poems, many poems, essays, feuilletons, 20 plays, librettos and scripts. Mailin’s work is a great literary school for the younger generation.


The press service of  KSIU.


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28.10.2019, 16:42:34, Әкімшілік Categories: News