“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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[Дата публикации: 16.07.2019, 15:53:56, published by: Әкімшілік]


From 13 to 20 July 2019, Karaganda state industrial university accepts documents for participation in the competition of educational grants. We present to your attention the information on the number of grants in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of groups of educational programs of bachelor and master of KSIU.

State educational order for training of personnel with higher education

for the 2019-2020 academic year in the context of groups of educational programs of KSIU



groups of educational programs



Name of groups of educational programs

Educational  programs of KSIU Total  full training reduced training
Total каз. русс. англ. Total каз. русс.
В044 The management and control

6B04101 Management in the field of entrepreneurship

6B04102 Management of public institutions

6B04103  Economics of the business

6B04104 Economics of a financial institution

6B04104 Economic logistics

375 375 281 94
В045 Audit and taxation 6B04106 Accounting and audit in business 144 144 108 36
В057 Information technology 6B06101 Software engineering 2876 2726 2045 681 150 112 38
В060 Chemical engineering and processes 6В07101 Chemical technology of organic substances 669 619 465 154 50 37 13
В061 Materials science and technology 6В07103 Materials science and technology of new materials 300 300 225 75
В062 Electrical and power engineering

6В07105 Electrical supply of industrial facilities

6В07104 Heat power engineering of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and communal services

1675 1650 1237 413 25 19 6
В063 Electrical engineering and automation 6В07106 Automation systems engineering 650 630 473 157 20 15 5
В064 Mechanics and metalworking

6В07107 Industrial process equipment


6В07108 Forging and stamping production in mechanical engineering

6В07109 Foundry technologies in mechanical engineering

1953 1873 1405 468 80 60 20
В065 Motor vehicle 6В07110 Lifting, construction and road machines 550 500 375 125 50 37 13
В069 Production of materials (glass, paper, plastic, wood) 6В07201 Pressure treatment of materials 200 180 135 45 20 15 5
В071 Mining and extraction of minerals

6В07205 Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals

6В07206 Metallurgy of ferrous metals

1820 1770 1327 443 50 37 13
В072 Pharmaceutical production technology 6В07204 Pharmaceutical production technology 600 550 412 138 50 37 13
В074 Urban planning, construction and civil engineering 6В07301 Industrial and civil engineering 2500 2450 1837 613 50 37 13
В094 Sanitary and preventive measures 6В11201 Industrial, environmental and civil safety 350 350 262 88


State educational order for the preparation of masters

for the 2019-2020 academic year in the context of groups of educational programs of KSIU

The number of group educational programs Name of groups of educational programs Educational programs of KSIU Scientific and pedagogical magistracy Profile magistracy
M072 The management and control 7M04102  Economics of the business 200
M097 Chemical engineering and processes 7М07102 Chemical technology of organic substances 400
M101 Materials science and technology of new materials 7М07106 Materials science and materials nanotechnology 150
M103 Mechanics and metalworking

7М07105 Process equipment engineering

7М07104 Technology of processing of new construction materials

M117 Metallurgical engineering 7М07204 Metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals 170
M124 Construction 7М07301 Theory and technology of design of buildings and structures 200
M150 Sanitary and preventive measures 7М11201 Industrial and environmental safety 40


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