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[Дата публикации: 04.06.2019, 13:11:28, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


June 4th of this year Karaganda State Industrial University held a meeting with the youth of the city, dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was attended by active youth of the city, representatives of the primary party organization of the Nur Otan party, students of the university and colleges of the city.

The meeting was attended by the deputy of the city maslikhat Bykov Vladimir Anatolyevich, a member of the Public Council Akishev Talgat Kymbatovich, the chairman of the youth wing “Zhas Otan” at the Temirtau city branch of the party “Nur Otan” Li Alexey Igorevich.

During the meeting, the participants were shown a video with a story about state symbols. From the first days of independence, one of the main tasks for the new state was the need to develop and approve State symbols. A competition was announced for the development of the coat of arms, flag, anthem, in which more than 600 people took part. A total of 1,200 applications were submitted with creative developments of the State Flag sketches. 245 image projects and 67 descriptions of the future State Emblem and 750 variants of the National Anthem were also proposed. State symbols had to meet not only aesthetic requirements, but also bear historical, political, economic symbolism. Masters such as Shaken Niyazbekov (the author of the flag), Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shota Ualihan (the author of the coat of arms), Shamshi Kaldayakov (the melody of the hymn), Zhumeken Najmedenov (the text of the hymn) managed to do this.

A special role in the process of adopting State symbols was played by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev. Having made separate amendments to the text of the National Anthem, which correspond to the ideals and goals of the development of the country, he entered the joint group of authors.

Since the adoption of state symbols, all the victories and achievements of Kazakhstan have been associated with them. Our compatriots 4 thousand times the Flag of Kazakhstan along the victorious paths of world competitions and olympiads, hoisted it in the most inaccessible places of the planet, raised to the highest mountain peaks and cosmic distances.

The meeting participants noted the special role and importance of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the formation and strengthening of the country’s independence.

Press service of KSIU

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04.06.2019, 13:11:28, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News