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[Дата публикации: 02.05.2019, 18:06:30, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On April 23, the Department for the Development of Languages ​​of the Karaganda Region in the city of Karaganda in the House of Friendship organized a seminar on the topic “Effective methods of distance learning the state language”.

The aim of the seminar is to familiarize with domestic and foreign learning technologies and how to effectively use multimedia and distance technologies in teaching languages.

The seminar was attended by teachers of higher educational institutions of the Karaganda region, methodologists of the Center for Advanced Training “Orleu”, teachers of language centers and courses that are working on training civil servants in the Kazakh language. In this seminar from KGIU took part the master of the humanities, the senior teacher of the department “KR&FL” Kapasheva Zhaniya Kudaibergenovna.

The moderator was the director of the regional center for learning languages ​​Igenova A.A. The theme of the event is very relevant. After all, every teacher in the modern digital world should fully use the potential of the Internet and various modern programs. During the seminar, the director of the Center for Teaching Languages ​​of the Karaganda Region Igenova Almagul Akmashevna, the methodologist of the Center, the winner of the Republican contest “Best Methodologist” Kuanbaeva Dinara Abilseitovna and the teacher Omasheva Laura Kyrgyzbaevna conducted practical classes on

  • Effective methods of distance learning the state language;
  • Use of multimedia technologies on the STEAM system: opportunities and advantages;
  • Work with applications Socrative, Playposit, Thinglink;
  • Panoramic lesson online on “My city”;
  • Efficiency of using virtual panels IDroo, RealTimeBoard in the process of online learning;
  • The Quizlet program is a modern tool for mastering the lexical minimum.

During the training workshop, the participants demonstrated practical skills on the methods of new learning technologies.

At the end of the event, all participants were awarded certificates.

Press service of KSIU

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02.05.2019, 18:06:30, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News