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[Дата публикации: 23.05.2019, 17:13:00, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Alma-mater of the First President of Karaganda State Industrial University has many good traditions. And another beautiful tradition goes to the piggy bank of the university.

On May 22, the first student ball of KSIU “Temirtau kokteme” was held in the conference hall of Arcelor Mittal Temirtau. The guests of the evening were the executive director of Arcelor Mittal Temirtau JSC Basin Vadim Borisovich, deputy akim of the city Temirtau Spabekov Galymzhan Ospanovich and secretary of the city maslikhat Lomakin Alexey Borisovich.

The first student’s ball of KSIU “Temirtau kokteme” is a charge of positive emotions, introducing young people to classical music and the ethics of secular behavior, which has a significant impact, as it not only enhances the culture of student life, but also provides educational work.

For three months, the best graduates of KSIU honed the dance “pas” to show the fruits of their labors, the beauty of classical dance on this historic day.

They opened the ball with a beautiful dance “Polonaise”, 40 of the best students of the university entered the floor. All of them have excellent academic achievements, engaged in scientific, creative and sports activities, actively participating in the social and political life of the city of Temirtau and the Karaganda region. Unusually beautiful young ladies in charming dresses, gentlemen in elegant costumes opened a special celebration of the evening with a beautiful dance and demonstrated incredible grace, in every movement there was lightness and beauty.

Rector of Karaganda State Industrial University Zhakhikov Bakhyt Akhatovich made a congratulatory speech.

The guest of the evening, Executive Director of Arcelor Mittal Temirtau, Basin Vadim Borisovich, in his congratulatory speech, noted that the legendary Plant-HTEI (now KSIU) was always famous for its graduates, most of whom now make up the highest engineering staff of the plant and invited current graduates to work.

Deputy mayor of the city Temirtau Spabekov Galymzhan Ospanovich also congratulated and gave parting words to graduates: “Your plans and plans of destiny may differ, but despite this I wish your wishes to be fulfilled, and the plans realized. Let your every action and every step be filled with creative energy. ”

Next, Lomakin Alexey Borisovich, secretary of the city maslikhat, delivered a congratulatory speech: “I am sure that almost all graduates of KSIU will find a worthy place to apply their knowledge. I would just like to wish you never to stop in your development, and not only in a professional sense, but also in other areas of life. ”

The golden fund of our university is the faculty. A special place in the formation of personality belongs to the curators of the groups. After all, over the course of 4 years, they shared their joy and feelings with the students, from the moment they entered the university until the time they received the diploma. This evening, the curators of the graduating groups were awarded with commemorative statues:

  • The first curator of the C-15k group is Abdikarim Nurziya Abdikarimovna
  • The curator of the group TME-15k – Isabekova Gulnar Dzhumadulaevna
  • Curator of TPMP-15k group – Saule Serikbaevna Ainabekova
  • The first curator of the group MS&NM-15k – Ybray Dana Zhasulanovna
  • Curator of the EE-15k group – Ayavkhan Kymbat Ayypkhanovna
  • The curator of the C-15k group is Kaldanova Balzhan Oralovna

The students of our university are active participants in the socio-political and cultural life of the city of Temirtau and the whole Karaganda region. At the regional and republican competitions they highly bear the title of students Alma mater of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. The ball continued the solemn ceremony of presenting commemorative figurines to the best graduates of 2019 with commemorative figurines, 28 worthy graduates received awards.

A graceful and graceful dance – the Viennese waltz – was the continuation of the solemn ball. Elegantly dressed couples circled around the ballroom to the sounds of Johann Strauss’s waltz. The spectators held their breath, watched the graceful and precise movements of the graduates, their plasticity and the beauty of the performance.

This day for the participants of the ball was exciting and a little sad, because after spending 4 wonderful full of interesting events of the year within the walls of their native university, they say goodbye to the students.

Then passed the transfer of the baton to graduates in 2024 through a special appeal. The text of the address was read by excellent students, the chairman of the university’s youth affairs committee, an active participant in the public life of the city of Temirtau and the Karaganda region, Karibzhan Madiyar, and candidate for the Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan on ballroom dancing, the owner of the personal grant of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the winner of the title “Best Student Kazakhstan -2018 “Podgurskaya Tatyana.

In their address, they noted that the students of our university are very active and more than once defended the honor of their native university at city, regional and international competitions and olympiads and wished future students to carry the flag of their native Alma mother highly.

They handed the appeal to a special capsule to a 10th grade student of secondary school No. 2, an excellent student, an active participant in the social and political life of the school and the city of Temirtau, a candidate for the Altyn Belgi badge Turikpenbaeva Aigerim. This capsule will be laid during the graduation ceremony in July of this year.

After the ceremony, representatives of the administration, department directors, teachers and group curators were invited to the floor. The right to pass in the waltz honorary circle was granted to the best and most active students.

The dance was opened by the rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University, Zhautikov, Bakhyt Akhatovich, and the candidate for the master of sports in ballroom dancing, Tatyana Podgurskaya. Then they were joined by couples consisting of faculty and students.

Our students are not only academic, but also in creative activity. For the next performance graduates approached creatively. They made a mix of “Kazakh Waltz” by Latif Hamidi – the musical author of the classical national waltz and the first national anthem of the Kazakh Soviet Republic, which entered the golden fund of Kazakh musical art and the famous Waltz song of Nurlan Abdullin.

During the waltz, the beautiful ladies on the face had charming smiles, the gentlemen had confidence in their eyes. The hands of the graduates were like the wings of a swan, and with their partners they seemed to float on the lake.

As a miracle ends in every fairy tale, so the first student ball of KSIU “Temirtau kөktemi” ended, leaving a solemn, simultaneously sad and joyful moment in the memory of all.

Press service of KSIU

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23.05.2019, 17:13:00, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News