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[Дата публикации: 19.04.2019, 12:17:31, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On April 18, 2019, the Youth Resource Center of Temirtau, together with the State Department of Internal Policy of Temirtau, organized a youth communication platform for students of KSIU and colleges in the TED “Knowledge is Power” format.

TED is a platform in which successful people share their experience emphatically, popularly and informally.

The moderators of this event were students of Karaganda State Industrial University Eleftherodi Savely and Epaneshnikova Nastya.

The TED speakers of the site were young people in Kazakhstan who had some success. The TED topics of the site allowed to discuss the most relevant topics for young people.

The theme of the development of social entrepreneurship was voiced by a well-known entrepreneur in Kazakhstan, founder of the Green TAL Workshop Askerov Emin. In his speech, he focused on the possibilities of social entrepreneurship, told his success story. The main message that sounded in his speech is the great opportunities of young people in modern society. The next speaker, Amin Ismailova, is a well-known blogger who is promoting marketing ideas on social networks. Very positive girl. The speaker spoke the same language with the audience; she paid great attention to the culture of behavior in social networks.

A wave of questions from the participants of the TED’s was caused by the performance of the famous judo player Almas Nesipberlinov. The idea of ​​opening the club “Judo Kids” Almas Nesipberlinov had long been born, he is an active athlete, candidate for master of sports in judo, winner of numerous sports.

In his speech, he spoke about how he was going to achieve his goal, the difficulties he faced. The most important thing that moved them was the love of sport and of children. By connecting them, he got his life’s work.

Sergey Khegay, captain of the CSM team of the city of Temirtau, very vividly showed the path of success of a simple guy who loved CSM very much. It all started with his performance in the CSM School League, then he began to play in the student league. Playing CSM is a huge titanic work.

The next speaker, Natalya Vorotynskaya, began the creation of her art studio from scratch, without a single penny. Now she is a well-known artisan in the country, she is doing a lot of work on the revival of folk arts and crafts among the population. Her motto: you need to love the work that you do.

The speeches of the speakers of the communication platform were different in emotionality and in the topics, but through their speeches one could see through thought: you need to develop abilities in yourself and love them, only then you can achieve success!

The participants of the site noted that the event allowed them to take a different look at many everyday issues, to assess their capabilities and abilities!

The event caused a positive response among the youth of the city, in general, it was a test attempt, but it showed that the possibilities of TED are limitless and can be the starting point for new success stories.

Press service of KSIU


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19.04.2019, 12:17:31, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News