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[Дата публикации: 16.03.2019, 09:07:55, published by: Әкімшілік]



Aristotle argued that music has the power to shape character. With the help of music, you can teach yourself to develop the right feelings. Our university, in turn, helps our teachers, staff, students, undergraduates and doctoral students to develop their talents through music.

March 15, 2019 in the Karaganda State Industrial University held a music contest “Two Stars”, which brought together hundreds of spectators and fans.

The competition is intended to contribute to the identification of new bright talents, the formation of moral, patriotic, cultural and aesthetic education of young people. Participants in the competition were couples, which included: students, teachers and university staff.

The competent jury consisted of professionals in their field:

* Temirtau’s golden voice, laureate of republican song contests – Zhanna Khasenova;

* Personnel Manager Temirtau Wiring LLP – Lukashuk Irina Vladimirovna;

* Choreographer, head of the ensemble “Grace” – Maria Bryl;

* Student of KarSU named after Buketova Kuandyk Adambaev.

* Musical Director of the Kazakh Cultural Center of AMT Javai Asylbek.

The hosts of the evening were Nurmakhanov Nurkhan Alievich and Zaginayko Oksana Grigoryevna.

In total, 10 couples took part in the competition. The jury evaluated the performances of couples according to the following criteria: stage culture, level of performance skills, stage costumes, light and sound design, the presence of artistic accompaniment of the number.

The Rector of the University Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich addressed the participants and spectators with a welcoming speech. In his speech, he noted that the “Two Stars” competition opens up new opportunities for our students and will launch new talents.

“The participants of our competition are non-professional singers and dancers, and almost all of them perform on the stage for the first time, therefore we ask you to support them and not judge them strictly, as they were very prepared and tried,” Oksana Zaginayko supported the participants of the competition.

Under the applause of the audience, participants one by one performed with their unique composition. While some preferred to sing a lyric song as a duet, others chose a dynamic composition accompanied by a dance group.

The competition “Two Stars” was opened by the first couple with the popular song “Almatynys tunder-ai” – the senior teacher of the department “Energy,

automation and computing “Titova Zhanna Ivanovna and a 1st year student of the group Computing-17-k Uzynbay Ainagul. This song allowed the audience to feel the wonderful nights of Almaty.

Specialist of the Department of International Cooperation and Erasmus + Agilbayeva Assel Amankyyrovna and student of the 1st course “Accounting and Auditing” Madken Aliya presented an excellent “Kazakh dance”.

Our teachers are versatile talented people, they can engage in scientific work, as well as participate in public events. The next couple was proof of that: Associate Professor of the Economics and Finance Department, Ph.D. Turabayeva Mayra Batirbekovna and a 2-year student of the specialty “Construction” Askarbekov Akhat performed the quivering song “Jean Hot.” The hall plunged into the atmosphere of romance, not only the fans of this couple, but the whole hall turned on the flashlights on their mobile devices and sang along.

Spanish dance is the story of all of Spain. Kaldanova Balzhan Oralovna, a 4th year student of the Construction group, Sapar Aida, allowed to plunge into Spain and study the story itself through a passionate and rhythmic dance.

The duo of girls assistant of the department “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanities disciplines” Zhumabay Roses and first-year students of the specialty “Automation and Control” Darkhan Edil sang the song “Kayda”. The burning song was immediately picked up by the audience.

The following contestants were Pavel Aleksandrovich Krivosheev, a teacher at the Technical and Economic College, and Daniel Bengs, a second-year student at the Technical and Economic College, fans of the group Zveri, and therefore chose a song from their repertoire “Districts, Districts”. This performance was like a rock concert of a popular group with a huge audience hall. It was very impressive.

It is worth noting that in our university, children are studying not only from all over Kazakhstan, but also from abroad. They are very active guys, participate in almost all city, regional and even republican events. The following participants presented not a duet, but a whole trio. Incendiary medley “Mix” was made by guys from solar Tajikistan, Dushanbe city, 2 nd year students of the specialty “Computer Engineering and Software” Ashurov Sukhrob and Zabirov Ayub and charming, energetic teacher of the department “Energy, Automation and Computer Technology” Kamarova Saule Nurtazaevna.

Then, under the stormy applause, the director of the department for educational work and youth policy Madina Meipramova Salpenova and a 3rd-year student of the Technology of Pressure Materials Processing group Zhumakan Maksat with the song Tequila Love were on the scene.

Thanks to the dance group of participants, the audience could feel the summer, despite the cold spring.

The laboratory assistant of the department “Chemical Technologies and Ecology” Birlikova Akniet and the 1st year student of the specialty “Automation and Control” Kenesbekov Aslan presented the dance song “Byz bala gul”. During their performance, the spectators themselves unwittingly danced while sitting on the spot.

The last couple of participants in the contest were the masters of the department “Technological Machines and Transport” Nurgaliev Nurpeis Meyrambekovich and the 1st year student of the specialty “Automation and Control” Kylyshbaeva Nurgul sang the song “Jaralamakyn”. Fans vigorously supported this pair, singing along with them.

All participants took to the stage with the final song of Shashubai Shaimerden “Eki Zhuldyz”.

While the jury decided who would get the statuette, first-year students Alimkhan Darkhan and Akarys Akbota performed songs for the audience.

The unanimous decision of the jury members were the following results:

1 place in the nomination “Dance” was taken by the teacher of the department “Construction” Kaldanova Balzhan Oralovna and the 4th year student of the group “Construction” Sapar Aida.

1 place in the nomination “Song” was taken by associate professor of the department “Economics and Finance” Turabayeva Mayra Batyrbekovna and 2-year student of the specialty “Construction” Askarbekov Akhat.

2nd place in the “Dance” nomination was won by the specialist of the Department of International Cooperation and Erasmus + Agilbayeva Assel Amankayirovna and student of the 1st course “Accounting and Auditing” Madken Aliya.

The director of the department for educational work and youth policy, Madina Salpenova and 3-year student of the group “Technology of Processing Materials by Pressure” Zhumakan Maksat with the song “Tequila Love” took 2nd place in the “Song” nomination.

3rd place in the nomination “Dance” won the trio with a medley dance “Mix” 2nd year students of the specialty “Computing equipment and software” Ashurov Sukhrob and Zabirov Ayub and teacher of the department “Energy, Automation and Computing” Kamarova Saule Nurtazaevna.

3rd place in the “Song” nomination was taken by the laboratory assistant of the “Chemical Technologies and Ecology” department Birlikova Akniet and the 1st year student of the specialty “Automation and Control” Kenesbekov Aslan with the dance song “Byz bala gul”.

Music is the greatest power. Music elevates the feeling of love for everything. And there are no people absolutely indifferent to music. This was once again confirmed by our participants, who showed all their skill and talent.

Press service of KSIU








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16.03.2019, 09:07:55, Әкімшілік Categories: News