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[Дата публикации: 23.01.2019, 20:00:42, published by: Әкімшілік]


On January 23, KGIU students online became participants in the ceremonial start of the Year of Youth. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, 2019 has been declared the Year of Youth, during which a number of measures will be implemented to support and implement the state youth policy.

The event was attended by the Head of State Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, members of the Government, deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leadership of local executive bodies, members of the Youth Policy Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winners of the “100 new faces” competition, graduates of the Bolashak program, scientists, representatives of creative, student and working youth. Bright and creative representatives of young people who have achieved success in various spheres acted as speakers in the opening ceremony.

During the ceremony, the start of the implementation of a large-scale action plan aimed at the comprehensive support and implementation of state-impact youth policy in the country. The head of state announced the upcoming modernization of the social environment of rural areas. This will contribute to the launch of a special project “Aul – El Besigi”. There will also appear the Sarbaz youth associations, similar to the boy scout movement, and attention will be paid to military-patriotic education in schools. Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to revive mass school tourism in the regions of the country as part of the new initiative “Know Your Land”. In addition, Kazakhstan will adopt a special state program for young people, focused on the implementation of four tasks: education, housing, health and patriotic education.

University students noted the importance of supporting youth initiatives in the Year of Youth. Today, when the country sets new large-scale tasks for social modernization, accelerated innovative industrialization and mutually beneficial economic integration, the role of youth leaders will be especially important and necessary, because the strategic development of any state is unthinkable without the energy of youth leaders, of the entire younger generation. The beginning of the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan indicates that the youth policy is not at the periphery of interests, but in the priority area of ​​state attention.

Press service of KSIU




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23.01.2019, 20:00:42, Әкімшілік Categories: News