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[Дата публикации: 02.12.2018, 21:30:36, published by: Әкімшілік]


On the eve of the celebration of the Day of the First President, akim of the Karaganda region, Yerlan Koshanov, met in Temirtau with the companions of the Head of State. In the Historical and Cultural Center of the First President held a solemn event “Elinsuigen, Elisuigen Elbasy!”

The building of the center was updated after major repairs. The exposition was replenished with exhibits transmitted from Astana.

– This holiday is a tribute and gratitude to our President for his wise leadership, for our bright present and confident future. The activities and all initiatives of the Head of State are aimed at improving the lives of Kazakhstanis. We all see the wisdom of making Elbasy. Take, for example, the transfer of the capital: how many skeptics and doubters were there, but time has put everything in its place. Today Astana is the capital of world level, said Yerlan Koshanov. – We are proud that the life of the First President is connected with our Karaganda region. Temirtau is the city of his youth. Here Nursultan Nazarbayev was formed as a leader, as a leader.

Colleagues shared their memories.

– I happened to learn with Nursultan Nazarbayev. These were our young years. Even then, he showed his leadership qualities: he was an excellent orator, philosopher, ahead of everyone in his studies, – said veteran metallurgist Ermek Tleubaev.

A gala concert was organized, which featured the President’s favorite songs and works written by Nursultan Nazarbayev. The guests applauded, recognizing the melodies, and sang with the artists.

The meeting participants got acquainted with the new collection of the center. Its fund has more than 3,500 exhibits. Recently, replenishment came from the capital: 15 exhibits – personal belongings of the President, gifts from leaders of other states and famous political figures.

The most valuable of them is a large colorful edition of the Constitution of Kazakhstan. A bicycle appeared in the museum, donated to the President by the eminent athlete Alexander Vinokurov. Visitors here will also see the personal sports equipment of the Head of State: a tennis uniform and a racket.

During the event, the book “Saryarka tosіndegі kezdesuler” was presented – “Meetings on the land of Saryarka”. This is a joint edition of the Historical and Cultural Center, the Regional Archives and the Regional Universal Library. N.V. Gogol. It includes archival materials and newspaper publications about the visits of the Head of State to the Karaganda region from 1990 to 2018.

KZT 215 million was allocated from the budget for the overhaul of the Historical and Cultural Center of the First President. This money was carried out internal and external work.

Source: zakon.kz


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02.12.2018, 21:30:36, Әкімшілік Categories: News