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[Дата публикации: 02.11.2018, 18:51:01, published by: Әкімшілік]



On November 2, 2018, the most long-awaited event for freshmen “Dedication to students” took place at the Karaganda State Industrial University.

The tradition of dedication to students is in almost every university. It is interesting that it originates from the deep past: in the Middle Ages, young people who entered the famous University of Paris (its center is the Sorbonne building in Paris) had to undergo a certain set of tests that would test the persistence of character and intentions to learn in good faith. If a prospective student adequately passed all tests, he was accepted into a secret union of students.

For our university, this is a traditional kind event, which serves as a starting point for the brightest and unforgettable period in the life of every student, at which pleasant surprises always await freshmen.

The event was held in a warm atmosphere, very interesting and memorable, thanks to the format of the event – youth and creative.

Galina Alexandrovna Sivyakova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, addressed the first-year students with words of parting words, wishing the students excellent study and unforgettable student life.

Excellent tone and enthusiasm for the event was set by the presenters: Rakhymzhanov Serzhan, Alimkhan Darkhan, Nakupova Darina and Hegay Sergey. With their sparkling humor, they charged the hall. A contest of emotions in the face of the emotions caused a storm of emotions, the students had to recognize the teachers in the photo, they coped with this “excellent”, which indicates that our first-year students do not miss the classes.

Then, according to the photo, they had to guess the location of the university site depicted, this task was a bit complicated, but the presenters wrote it off that it was impossible to study the whole university in 2 months.

As a homework, freshmen of all faculties and the Technical and Economic College prepared flash mobs. This assignment has shown how our freshmen for the 2 months of study have become friendly and united.

Each of their performances caused a storm of applause in the hall. Freshmen of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering showed the most massive

performance, in which there were many highlights. Students of the Faculty of Economics and Construction showed a bright orange presentation, proving that strength is not in quantity, but in quality.

Freshmen of the Technical and Economic College were the youngest speakers, but despite this, they showed a very organized, cohesive show. Perhaps the memorable performance was faculty

energy, transport and control systems: freshmen chose an unusual format, there were a lot of improvisations, at the end of the performance from the ceiling of the stage a rain of bright balls poured, causing a storm of applause

This evening did not go without gifts: senior students performed with bright concert numbers in front of first-year students. Ashurov Sukhrob and Gulayozova Farzona, Kylyshbaeva Nurgul, Aviwat Sunkar and Shukurulla Nurdaulet, Kenesbekov Aslan, Talgat Nurkhan, Jumakan Maksat, Abduganiev Bekzat, Sadyrkhanov Almat and Arystanbek presented their talents this evening.

The solemn ceremony of signing a student card was the culmination of the holiday: for this, a huge model of the ticket was carried onto the stage and the student card was signed by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Galina Alexandrovna Sivyakova to the stage

Impressions of the event were the warmest and joyful. We can say that this is a good start for a new, adult life. But still, a great exam called the First Session will be a real dedication to student life for the majority. So, after the ritual of dedication you should not relax, because already in December, at the exams, you will need to

answer difficult questions from teachers and solve difficult problems. We sincerely wish our freshmen good luck and success!

The press service of KSIU



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02.11.2018, 18:51:01, Әкімшілік Categories: News