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X International Scientific – Practical Conference “COMPETITIVENESS OF THE NATION – THE MAIN CONDITION OF IMPROVING THE PEOPLE’S WELFARE” dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Karaganda State Industrial University

[Дата публикации: 30.11.2018, 19:53:47, published by: Әкімшілік]



To the day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation N.A.Nazarbaev on November 29, 2018, the KSIU hosted the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “COMPETITIVENESS OF THE NATION – THE MAIN CONDITION OF INCREASING PEOPLE’S WELL-BEING” dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Karaganda State Industrial University, where they discussed issues of industrialization, introduction of digital technologies in industry and education, education and the introduction of digital technologies in education and education. also the implementation of the “Ruhani zangyru” program.

The conference brought together famous scientists of our Republic and countries of the near and far abroad, such as Russia, Germany, Holland, Poland and Syria. Guests representing universities and enterprises of these countries are the main partners of KSIU.

As part of the conference, the grand opening of the 3D engineering factory laboratory was planned (this project is implemented under the “Digital Kazakhstan” program) and with the assistance of the “Nur Otan” party the opening of the SOTSBI information and communication center (Certified Telephone Network Equipment – Information Bank), which students and teachers will teach new information programs. Such centers today operate in the leading technical universities of Russia: Moscow, Samara, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Astrakhan, and Rostov – said Shakhmaran Seilov, President of the Kazakh Academy of Infocommunications.

Before the start of the conference, the guests and its participants visited an exhibition dedicated to the student life and labor activity of the First President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, organized by the Historical and Local Lore Museum of the First President of Temirtau.

The plenary meeting of the conference was opened by the head of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, Imangaliev Esengazy Nurtoleuovich.

Then, the Companions of the Head of State welcomed the guests and participants of the conference: First Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, Emeritus Professor of Karaganda State Industrial University, Doctor of Political Sciences – Suleimenov Tuleutay Skakovich and graduate of the High Technical School, Laureate State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, Honorary Professor of Karaganda State Industrial University, doktor Engineering – Sarekenov Kabidolla Zulkashevich.

The welcoming speech of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sagadiyev Yerlan Kenzhegalievich was announced by the deputy head of the education department of the city of Temirtau Zhaudinova Khalipa Korabayevna.

The following words were heard from the responsible secretary of the Advisory Committee at the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Aliyev Samat Bikitaevich and the words of the Executive Director of JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau Basin Vadim Borisovich, who were voiced by the head of the technical department “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” Yevtushenko Igor Yuryevich, who noted that …. “This conference will give a new impulse for the integration of science and production, will bring cooperation between Karaganda State Industrial University and JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” to a higher level …”

Further, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between Karaganda State Industrial University and JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”.

During the conference, on the stage of the KSIU conference hall, presentations were made by: President of the Kazakh Academy of Infocommunications, Academician of the International Academy of Communications, Professor Seilov Shakhmaran Zhursinbekovich; Head of the Department of Geotechnical Engineering Earthquakes of the Higher Institute for Earthquake Research (Hiers), University of Damascus (Syria), Director of the Center for Enterprise Development and Innovation, Advisor to the Rector on Science of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Professor Talal Awad; Dean of the Faculty of Agribusiness, Technology and Veterinary Medicine of Astrakhan State University, Full Member of the International Academy of Investments and Construction Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Arykbaev Ravil Karimovich, and Rector of Karaganda State Industrial University Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov.

The conference was held in 4 sections:

1. Export-oriented industrialization: metallurgy, new materials and technologies (102 reports).

2. Digitization in education and industry (22 reports).

3. The development of spiritual and moral values in the context of the program “Ruhani zangyru” (28 reports).

4. The economy of the future and innovation management as the basis for increasing income and quality of life (43 reports).

on which over 50 reports were announced. The working languages of the conference were Kazakh, Russian and English. The conference proceedings included 194 reports.

In honor of the 55th anniversary of our university, for its contribution to the development of higher education and fruitful cooperation aimed at training qualified specialists, by the decision of the Academic Council diplomas “Honorary Professor of Karaganda State Industrial University” were awarded by the Rector of the University of Earthquake Engineering Geotechnics at the Damascus High Earthquake Research Institute University (Syria), Director of the Center for

Enterprise Development and Innovation, Professor at ENU named L.N. Gumilev, PhD, Talal Awad, and dean of the faculty “Agribusiness, technology and veterinary medicine” of Astrakhan State University, Full member of the International Academy of Investment and Construction Economics, doctor of economics, professor Arykbaev Ravil Karimovich.

For their contribution to the development of higher education and the training of qualified specialists, the Akhmet Baitursynov breastplate by the Companions of the Head of State Suleimenov Tuleutay Skakovich and Sarekenov Kabidolla Zulkashevich were awarded: Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations – Aykeeva Altyn Amanzholovna; Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor Galina Alexandrovna Sivyakova; the head of the department “Construction”, professor Bazarov Baurzhan Anuarkhanovich, and the senior teacher of the department “Natural science disciplines” Karipbaeva Aizhan Ryskeldinovna.

Memorable gifts from the Rector KSIU B.A. Zhautikov were also awarded honorary aksakals and Companions of the head of state: Suleimenov Tuleutay Skakovich, Sarekenov Kabidolla Zulkashevich, Kuanysh Omashuly Omashevich, Yermek Ybraiyly Tuleubayevich, Toktarkhan Ybrayuly Iskakovich and Viktor Alekseevich Nikonov.

For merits to the Karaganda State Industrial University, thank you letters from the Rector of the University Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich were awarded to active members of the KSIU Alumni Association, who after many years do not forget their home university and participate in its development.

– Director of LLP “STEKA” Vasily Ivanovich Sviridov;

– Director of LLP “Magistral 2010” Sartbayev Seythan Rustambekovich;

– representative of the company “Vesuvius” Frolov Yevgeny Viktorovich;

– Director of LLP “Kazmekhanomontazh-2” Amir Sagidulovich Davletaliev;

– Director of LLP “Kaztemirstroy” Suleimenov Bolatbek Zhangalievich;

– Director of LLP “TekholMontazh” Glazkov Sergey Valentinovich;

– head of the department of land relations, architecture and urban planning of the city of Temirtau Kusenova Gulmira Nurmukanovna;

– director of JSC “Kazavtomatika” Shestakov Sergey Borisovich;

– Director of LLP “Temirtau Electrical Installation” Arykov Evgeny Yakovlevich;

– Director of LLP “Prom Alp Expert” Andrey Victorovich Zamiralov.

Upon completion of the plenary session of the conference, a resolution was adopted that the Organizing Committee is fully satisfied with the content and orientation of the conference and can state with confidence that the Plenary meeting and fruitful work on the conference sections will fully accomplish their tasks.

In addition, the Temirtau City Historical Museum of Local Lore opened a visiting block installation timed to the 55th anniversary of Karaganda State Industrial University, the honorary graduate of which is the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.А. Nazarbayev.

The installation became part of the program of the X International Scientific Practical Conference “The competitiveness of the nation – the main condition for improving the welfare of the people.”

The installation included nine blocks detailing the history of KGIU from the moment of its organization to the present. The exhibition used unique documents on the development of the university, including a transcript of N. Nazarbayev’s speech at the 10th Congress of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan on the need to open a university in Temirtau, documents from the student’s personal affairs and graduate of the plant – HTEI N. Nazarbayev, materials on the participation of students in international labor Promotions and in the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. The exposition was supplemented by an exhibitor series: teaching aids for teachers and students of 1960–80, uniforms of participants in labor actions and delegates to the youth festival. The exposition was completed with a map of the world, on which countries and cities in which graduates of the KSIU worked and work were noted.

The honored guests of the conference highly commended the content of the exposition: a companion of the Head of State, a graduate of the plant – HTEI, first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honorary professor of KSIU, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ph.D., professor Suleimenov T.S.; associate of the Head of State, graduate of the plant-HTEI, Honorary Professor of KSIU, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K. Sarekenov, Rector of KSIU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zhautikov B.A., Scientists from Russia, Germany, Holland, Poland, Syria.

The exposition was visited by 520 people.

Press – service KSIU







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30.11.2018, 19:53:47, Әкімшілік Categories: News