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K.K. Tokayev

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Тhe seminar «Rules of the Latin alphabet and spelling» for students was held at KSIU

[Дата публикации: 09.11.2018, 16:39:20, published by: Әкімшілік]


This event was organized by the Temirtau Center for the Development of Languages ​​in cooperation with the Department «Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages» of KGIU.

The meeting was attended by about 50 students of different courses studying in the state language. The purpose of the event is to clarify the rules of the new alphabet on the Latin script. Head of the Center for the Development of Languages ​​of Temirtau Akhmetzhanova MB – explained to students the basic rules of the grammar of the Kazakh language, which will change with the transition to the Latin script. Then the students worked in groups, they were offered several situations that were solved during the discussions, the students actively answered questions.

Seminar materials will be a good help when writing dictation on the Latin script.

   Press Center KSIU 



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09.11.2018, 16:39:20, Әкімшілік Categories: News