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KSIU hosted a meeting of students with representatives of Nazarbayev University

[Дата публикации: 18.10.2018, 17:16:54, published by: Әкімшілік]


On October 18, 2018, a meeting of graduate students with representatives of Nazarbayev University was held at KGIU.

Representatives of Nazarbayev University acquainted the participants with the academic programs of the magistracy, doctoral studies functioning in the structure of the AEO “Nazarbayev University” – schools of engineering, science and technology, humanities and social sciences, higher education and higher business schools.

Nazarbayev University was established in 2010 and is intended to become a world-class research university in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nazarbayev University works in accordance with international academic standards and is guided by the principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy, which in 2018 produced the fourth graduation of students.

Today, Nazarbayev University has seven schools that offer undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in a strategic partnership with international top universities.

In addition, the university includes research centers under the auspices of the National Laboratory Astana and the Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System, a pilot Technopark and other organizations within the Innovation Cluster of the Nazarbayev University, as well as four clinics of the University Fund Corporate Center.

Nazarbayev University seeks to create a new paradigm of research-type organizations in Kazakhstan and contribute to the development of Astana as an international educational hub, a center for innovation and knowledge.

The activity of Nazarbayev University is focused on preparing advanced researchers, innovations in technology and industry and supporting the Kazakhstan educational system during the transit period to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing and integrated global economy.

During the meeting, students of 4 courses had the opportunity to learn, not only about the programs implemented by Nazarbayev University, but also about the procedure for submitting documents and the rules for participation in the competitive selection. The students also had the opportunity to ask their questions, to which they received detailed answers.

Press service of KSIU

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18.10.2018, 17:16:54, Әкімшілік Categories: News