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Students of KGIU took part in the meeting on the theme: “Religions for the safe world of the XXI century”

[Дата публикации: 16.10.2018, 16:36:34, published by: Әкімшілік]


On October 16, 2018, a meeting of students of Karaganda State Industrial University with a specialist – theologian, head of KSU “Center for the Study and Analysis of Problems of Interfaith Relations”, a delegate of the 6th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions – Khaev Dauren Shegenyazovich, on the topic “Religions for the safe world of the twenty-first century”

This meeting was held in dialogue form with the purpose of outreach on the formation of legal consciousness and culture, religious literacy, as well as to prevent religious extremism among young people.

The theologian revealed the concepts of secularism, citizenship, tolerance, patriotism, and issues of an inter-ethnic nature were discussed.

Students listened attentively to the theologian and learned a lot in the sphere of religious trends of the present time.

During the event, youth representatives raised the most discussed topics of a religious nature, asked questions of interest and received detailed and comprehensive answers to them from the theologian D.Sh. Kanaeva. This meeting had an important educational value.

In the future, Karaganda State Industrial University will hold meetings and conversations on an ongoing basis in order to promote the ideas of peacemaking, partnership, tolerance and creation.

The press service of KSIU


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16.10.2018, 16:36:34, Әкімшілік Categories: News, Студенты