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KGIU students took an active part in the debate tournament “Secularism is the foundation of peace and stability in society”

[Дата публикации: 16.10.2018, 16:25:44, published by: Әкімшілік]




The formation of an independent Kazakhstan is inextricably linked with the celebration of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, which is annually celebrated on October 18.

As part of the celebration of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, on October 13, 2018, students of the KGIU Zhumashev Aizat, Tazhikov Konysbek, Nurgaliyeva Akerke, Bederov Alikhan, Yesbolat Aruzhan, Yesbolova Madina, Seilikhan Madiyar and Narbaeva Alnura took an active part in the debate tournament “Secularity – the foundation of peace and stability in society ”, organized by the Administration for Religious Affairs of the Karaganda region, held in the private institution“ Bolashak ”Academy in Karaganda.

22 teams took part in the debate tournament.

The purpose of this debate tournament was to increase the awareness and involvement of young people in public discussion on strengthening the secular foundations of our state, as the basis of interfaith, inter-ethnic harmony in society and countering terrorism and extremism in the Karaganda region.

The organizers of the tournament before the debaters set the task of promoting the secular principles of the state, forming an active citizenship and raising the level of knowledge among students.

The tournament consisted of three qualifying rounds, a semi-final and a final.

Students discussed the following topics: “This chamber believes that secularism, contributes to the fight against terrorism and extremism,” “This chamber believes that the duty to the Fatherland is a person’s shrine”, etc.

The judging was carried out by students, and experts from the Department of Religious Affairs and KSU “Center for the Study and Analysis of Problems of Interfaith Relations” acted as observers.

When deciding on the winners of the rounds, criteria were taken into account such as the validity of the ideas put forward, persuasiveness, structure of the speech, evidence, way of speaking, fairness, clarity, honesty and respect.

At the end, participants in the debate tournament were presented with diplomas and certificates and noted that the Day of Spiritual Harmony is a day of moral cleansing and the formation of new ethical priorities, which began at the turn of the millennia of our homeland, its wise and courageous people.

Supporting and asserting new traditions that contribute to the spiritual and cultural development of the nation, we all together promote human values, thereby opening up the limitless prospects for the development of Kazakhstan in the new millennium as a territory of peace and security.

Press service of KGIU

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16.10.2018, 16:25:44, Әкімшілік Categories: News