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[Дата публикации: 01.10.2018, 12:26:16, published by: Әкімшілік]



On September 20-21, 2018 Karaganda state industrial University (hereinafter KGIU) took part in the III Congress of the Association of Asian universities (hereinafter Association, AAU) to represent the University for membership in the Association.

In may 2013, delegations of 27 universities from 8 countries (Armenia, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand) signed a Memorandum on the establishment of the Association of Asian universities at Altai state University. The Association of Asian universities was formed to intensify cooperation and expand partnerships between educational institutions of the Asian region. The main objectives of the Association are the formation of a single Asian educational space, a single level of requirements for the content of University education, assistance in the recognition of diplomas of universities – members of the Association; improvement of mechanisms for the implementation of academic mobility; development and implementation of joint educational programs; exchange of experience in higher education, research, youth projects. Over the past period, the Association of Asian universities has established itself as one of the most dynamically developing international University associations. The series of international scientific and educational events are held annually under the auspices of the Association, the main of which is the Asian student forum.

At the III Congress of the Association, new members of the Association, including the KGIU, were accepted, and now the Association includes 70 universities of Central and South Asia.

The participants of the Congress on behalf of the government of the Altai territory and the Governor V. Tomenko welcomed the acting Deputy Chairman of the government of the Altai territory N. Ah. Kapura, who noted that the leadership of the Altai territory fully contributes to the development of all integration processes in the field of education, science and technology.

The plenary session of the Association heard the report of the President of the Association, rector of the Eurasian national University. L. N. ENU E. B. Sydykov “On results of work of the Association of Asian universities for the period of 2016-2017 years” presented by B. Zh. Somzhurek, Vice-rector for international relations and innovation of ENU; report of the Vice – President of the Association, the rector of Altai state University S. V. Zemlyukov “Association of Asian Universities: history and modernity”; the report of the rector of Tajik national University M. S. Imamzade “Strategy for the development of Asian universities Association for the following years and measures to enhance the Role of the Association’s universities in international cooperation”.

Also on the agenda was the issue of election of The President and Vice – Presidents of the Association. The newly elected President of the Association of Asian Universities for the next two years was the rector of the Tajik national University Imomzoda Muhammad Saidali.

Representatives of 6 countries became Vice-presidents of AAU. From Russia – rector of ASU Sergey Valentinovich Zemlyukov, from Kazakhstan – Zhasulan Kudaibergenovich Shaimardanov -rector of East Kazakhstan state technical University named after D. Serikbayev, from Armenia – rector of the Russian-

Armenian Slavic University Armen Razmikovich Darbinyan, from Kyrgyzstan-rector of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B. N. Yeltsin Vladimir Ivanovich Nifadyev, from China – rector of the Heilongjiang Institute of foreign languages Liu Ying and from Mongolia – rector of the Howard state University Bawu Nemdorj.

Sivyakova G. performed a presentation about the work and achievements of the KGIU.

The participants of the meeting were presented to the scientific journal – journal of the Association of Asian Universities “Society and public security”, the concept of development which was submitted for public discussion.

The conference program included excursions to the Museum of archaeology and Ethnography of the Altai, visit of the Honorary chair “The Kazakhstan’s way and N. Nazarbaev,” visit of the center of language and culture of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan”.

At the Congress of the Association was heard information about modern strategies of promotion of universities – members of the Association of Asian universities in the world rankings, presented by the regional Director of QS Ltd. for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Z. Zaitseva, regional Director for Europe and Middle East and Director of strategic solutions Nimes higher Education Michael Caruana and Nick Davis; editor at Round University Ranking O. Solovyov; leader of the project “national rating of universities “Interfax” A. Chaplygin.

The Congress discussed the Association’s development strategy for the coming years and considered measures to enhance the role of AAU universities in international cooperation. The work plan is planned: student forums and academic mobility, mutual practices of students and internships of undergraduates, summer schools, joint research projects, open network library, joint educational programs.

The KGIU held bilateral working meetings on the organization of joint educational programs in the areas of ” Economy»,”Ecology”, “life Safety and environmental protection”.

Based on the results of the work, currently the KGIU organized work on the comparison of working curricula and selection of candidates for training in double-diploma programs with ASU. In addition, an agreement on cooperation of the Honorary Department ” Kazakhstan’s way and N. Nazarbayev “ASU and the Department” History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines ” KGIU.

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01.10.2018, 12:26:16, Әкімшілік Categories: News