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At Karaganda state lndustrial University was hold an international online conference on partner University, Al-Bano (Al-Balqa Applied University) Jordan, Amman

[Дата публикации: 28.09.2018, 16:24:13, published by: Әкімшілік]


On September 27, 2018, a conference with the participation of international expert Mahdi Salman Mohammad Alshamasin, organized by Professor of partner University Al-Balqa (Al-Balqa Applied University) of Jordan G. Amman, PhD Riad Taha Al-Kasasbeh was held at the University with the support of the office of the network Academy “CISCO”. The conference was attended by teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates.

Mahdi Alshamasin holds a PhD in electrical engineering / automatic control (mechatronics), author of numerous articles peer-reviewed in international journals with non-zero impact factor, member of the Commission on higher education in the engineering Department of mechatronics, collegial research Committee.

His scientific activities and the range of scientific research is quite wide and diverse. The main areas of scientific activity of Mahdi Alshamasin are: “Robots: modeling, modeling and control”; “drive systems of electric motors”; “Converters, measurements and signal processing”; “Automatic control” and “Biomedical engineering”.

During the conference, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers showed great interest, actively participated in the discussion.

At the end of the conference, the participants expressed their gratitude to foreign professors and organizers of the event, as well as outlined plans to strengthen and develop scientific cooperation, cooperation plans for academic mobility and research in the field of electrical engineering and automatic control.

Просмотров: 662
28.09.2018, 16:24:13, Әкімшілік Categories: News