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[Дата публикации: 26.09.2018, 17:09:46, published by: Әкімшілік]



On September 26, 2018, the round table “Implementation of the social initiative “Digital party” Nur Otan in KSIU” » was held on the platform of KGIU”, honorary guests of which were: Ospanova Hadisha Bazarbayevna – the first Deputy Chairman of Karaganda regional branch of the party “Nur Otan”; Yesimkhanov Dauren Zhagiparovich – Deputy akim of Temirtau; Lomakin, Aleksey Borisovich – the Secretary of city maslikhat; Esmurzaev Altynbek Atabekovich, the first Deputy Chairman of the Temirtau branch of the party “Nur Otan”, as well as the teaching staff of the University.

For the participants of the event, an excursion to the digital laboratory of 3D printing was conducted, during which a detailed explanation of the functionality and directions of the laboratory was considered, while focusing the attention of visitors on the fact that the process of 3D printing is the process of creating a real object on the model of a three-dimensional model by overlaying layers, and that the laboratory of three – dimensional printing can embody the most daring ideas in life!

The guests visited the public reception of the primary party organization “Palace of culture” in Temirtau, where the Deputy Chairman of the party Karipbaeva Aizhan Ryskeldinovna told about the activities of The public reception and future plans for its development. The reception was opened after the forum of PPO, held in August this year in Karaganda.

The primary party organization “Temirtau Palace of culture “at Temirtau city branch of the party” Nur Otan “has 981 members of the party and includes organizations: KGIU, Palace of culture, PC” Vershina”, LLP” Kazenergomash”, the largest number of members is at the University (726 people).

During the round table the report was made by the rector of KSIU Zhautikov B. A. “On the implementation of social initiatives of the party “Nur Otan” of the “Digital party” at the University”. Bakhyt Akhatovich noted that one of the strategic objectives of the University is the development of a unified information and educational environment and the full implementation of modern IT-technologies in the framework of the “Digital Kazakhstan” and social initiative “Digital party”. As part of the initiative project “Training of IT specialists” at the University opened a regional center of the network Academy “Cisco”, where more than 100 teachers-trainers of Informatics of secondary schools and colleges of the region were trained and certified on the course “IT Essentials”, and 4 teachers of the University were trained in the course “CCNA RoutingandSwitching” and received certificates of trainers of the Academy “Cisco”. We plan to train 140 IT specialists by the end of the year. Almost all computer classes opened in the Karaganda region within the framework of the social initiative of the “Nur Otan” party are taught by competent specialists who have been trained in the regional center Of the network Academy “CISCO”, opened on the basis of KGIU.

Vice-rector on scientific work and international cooperation Akaeva A. A. made a report “The Role of regional University in creating an innovation ecosystem for education”, coordinator of the program “CISCO” in KSIU Saidrahmonov N. B. made a report: “On activity of the regional office Network Academy “CISCO” and the program “SOTSBI” KSIU”.

The Secretary of maslikhat Lomakin A.B.noted the active participation of the University in the implementation and support of youth initiatives, the youth cultural and leisure center of the University operates.

Ospanova K.B., summing up the results of the round table, noted that the University, under the leadership of the rector , is carrying out a lot of work on the implementation of social initiatives of the party, introducing modern educational technologies, international cooperation is expanding.

At the end of the event Hadisha Bazarbaevna presented the highest award of the party “Nur Otan” medal “Belsendi kyzmet ushin” to the rector of KGIU Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov, noting that the key role in the organization of work is given to the chairmen of “first organization”, so the party pays special attention to the constant training of the heads of PPO using various methods of training and warmly thanked all the participants of the round table, who by their work, their desire to be in the ranks of the party “Nur Otan” support the policy of the President of Kazakhstan.Ah.Nazarbayev, active role of the party in the socio-economic development of the country and in the implementation of the social initiative “Digital party”

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26.09.2018, 17:09:46, Әкімшілік Categories: News